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I'm sorry
The house was pitch black, no light whatsoever. Gerard had turned the lights out in hopes to get some much needed sleep, but of course he didn't. The boy tossed and turned, searching for warmth somewhere in the mess of sheets. His daddy wasn't home yet, which scared him even more than the dark.
The bed was cold, and not even extra blankets could make up for Franks warmth. He pleaded and whined for just the feeling of Frank, even though he knew he wouldn't show. Sparks of light came from the window of the couples shared room, it was a thunderstorm.
It felt like everything was going against Gerard this night. His daddy was nowhere to be seen, there was a thunderstorm and it was dark. Gerard needed his daddy. He needed him. He couldn't sleep, he didn't eat. Gerard was shaking, his eyes brimming with thick tears.
The tears fell one by one, something told Gerard that Frank was not okay. Something happened. Frank was always home by nine o' clock to tuck him in and give him sweet night kisses. The time was 2:15 in the morning, still there was no sign of Frank. Gerard had even called Frank's phone multiple times but got no response from the man. He left tons of messages, his voice fully out of its high pitch normality.
The tears never stopped, even when he heard footsteps from the hallway nearing the couples room. It couldn't be Frank, Frank was gone. His daddy is gone. The steps felt empty, less powerful than Frank's. Still, Gerard was too upset to care.
This only made Gerard cry harder at the thought, but the boy froze when two strong arms wrapped around his torso. "Daddy?" Gerard asked, surprise laced in his voice. He couldn't believe what he was feeling. Could this really be Frank? He was okay after all!
The weight of the bed sunk in just like Gerard remembered, and Frank's arms fit perfectly around his pudgy shape. Gerard finally felt the warmth he longed for, and he managed to cry harder than before. "I was so worried daddy... Don't ever leave me like that again!" Gerard cried, turning himself over to be fully submerged into Frank's embrace.
"I won't baby... Daddy missed you so much. I'm sorry I'm late." Gerard shook his head at Frank's words, holding him tighter. "Promise you'll never leave me Daddy..." Gerard mumbled, the sound muffled by the soft feel of Frank's sweater. Just those few hours without his daddy made Gerard realize just how much he needed him. "I wouldn't dream of it. But first you gotta promise me something..." Frank spoke softly into Gerard's ear to make sure he captured every word.
"What?" Gerard asked, curiously. "I need you to promise me you'll take care of yourself, and if you need anything Mikey will be there." Frank said, but Gerard looked curiously up at him with red puffy eyes. "I promise... But why are you telling me that Daddy? Are you leaving?" Gerard asked, now ready to cry. Daddy was gone for so long! Where could he possibly be going now?
"Maybe for a little while, but I promise I'll be there to protect you no matter what. Daddy loves you... So, so much princess. You mean so much to me. I want you to be safe." Gerard nodded at his words, clearly confused at the outpouring. "I will Daddy... I love you so much... Much," Gerard grumbled, but his eyes began to grow heavy with sleep, and soon enough he was drifting of in his daddy's arms.
Gerard awoke to the sound of footsteps in his house. The little smiled, breathing in a full scent of Frank. Gerard sat up, stretching out his arms and legs. The bed was empty, which meant Frank must have been in the kitchen fixing a pot of coffee. That was completely normal. That made Gerard happy, knowing everything was back to normal.
Gerard arose from the bed, walking in nothing but one of Frank's t shirts that covered a pair of his panties, walking into the kitchen.
Gerard frowned, seeing that Mikey stood leaned against the table. He lean boy looked in bad shape. His eyelids were baggy and his eyes fixed on the ground. His hair and clothes looked dirty, and reeked of sweat. He had the overall scent of wet dog.
Gerard looked around, his heart speeding up when Frank was nowhere to be seen. Had he gone out again? Was this what Frank had been talking about last night?
"Where's daddy?" Gerard asked Mikey, his voice frantic and his body shaking.
Mikey stood there with a smile. He had to be gentle with Gerard, he couldn't just tell him and leave him to rot. He had to be gently trickled to the point so he couldn't understand.
"Gerard." Mikey said, his own eyes beginning to fill with tears. "Don't cry Mikey!" Gerard said loud, running to Mikey and hugging him.
"Gerard... Frank is... Frank was in an accident last night on the way home from work..." Mikey said, trying to fake a smile. Gerard was silent. His mind was twisted and confused.
"What..? No he wasn't! Daddy was here! What happened?!" Gerard demanded, tangling his own hands in his hair by habit. "Daddy's fine... He's just gonna be gone a while okay?" Mikey assured him, and Gerard was finally able to relax. Although his mind remained a confused mess.
"Where is he? Can I see him?" Gerard asked. "I'd rather you stay home Gee, I'll be here don't worry..."
Frank was right. He would be gone for a while. That while took weeks and eventually months. That's when Gerard noticed Frank was not coming back. Frank really was gone. There was nothing Gerard could do about that. He had to move on.
Still, in the house he now shared with Mikey, Gerard could still sometimes feel two strong arms around him when he was sad. He could still feel the presence of Frank when he needed him. He could hear Frank's word playing over and over in his mind "daddy loves you..." And that was enough to keep Gerard alive and going in the lonely years that followed.

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