Sweet Dreams (smut)

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     It is currently 3:56 in the morning, and Frank Iero is somehow balancing the two worlds of sleep and awake. His eyes were closed, his eyelids becoming sore from being open and alert all day. Still, somehow, he couldn't sleep. He was extremely exhausted, all day he dragged and dreamed of resting, but once he hit the pillow it seemed like he was perfectly awake.
     Gerard, however, was definitely asleep. His chest rising and falling, short snores and huffs left his lips at a steady pace. It seemed perfectly normal, except when a short "daddy.." Escaped his lips. Frank turned over from his current position, to look at his squirming baby.
Gerard's dream must have been intense, Frank thought, watching in amazement as Gerard sleep-talked. "Please..mm..Daddy," along with a small groan. Shortly after, Gerard lifted his hips in the air, an all but normal "ooh oooo," sound came out this time. Now, Frank could see the small tent forming in Gerard's jammies.
Once Gerard had calmed down, now resting peacefully, be snuck a hand to palm at Gerard's fully hard erection. Gerard's eyes snaked slowly open, as he was shaken from his former state. Gerard whined a little when he felt the sensation of Frank's hand. "Can you fix it Daddy?" Gerard asked sweetly, and Frank chuckled lowly, his voice heavy with sleep. "Sure baby.. But tell Daddy about that dream you were having?" Frank questioned, now palming harder at Gerard's clothed cock. He hesitated before answering. It was a naughty dream, and Gerard was ashamed he could think of such a thing.
"Well... I was on your work desk - ah - and I was getting spankies..." Gerard moaned. "Yeah, you like it when Daddy gives you spankies huh?" And Gerard nodded. "And uh... Other stuff.." Gerard trailed off.
"What do you mean, other stuff?" Frank asked. Still Gerard was too shy. "Did Daddy do this," and with that, Frank slipped his hand into Gerard's panties, and began to stroke him. Gerard's back arched similar to before, but this time he let out a throaty moan. "Yes.. Ah.. Just like that Daddy.." The little moaned, gripping at the sheets.
Frank kept at the agonizingly slow pace, stroking until he reached his breaking point. This was the part Frank loved the most. The moment he could have him begging for release, needy for him. "I don't know if you deserve it now Gerard, you did make that huge mess at dinner," Frank completely stopped his strokes with those words, crossing his arms. "Daddy please! Daddy ugh!" Out of agony, Gerard brought his own hand up, stroking himself. "Hey now, I didn't say you could do that," Frank said, moving Gerard's hand away. "But Daddy! Gah! You have to do something!" Gerard arched his back again in hopes that would somehow give him enough to let go. Unfortunately, he failed.
Frank sighed, looking at the little with rolled eyes. "Okay, since I have to," and brought his hand back onto Gerard's leaking cock. He stroked at a faster pace, and taking Gerard back to his last state. He thrusted into Frank's hand, moaning and yelping uncontrollably until he finally was able to release all over his jammies and hand.
"Thank you Daddy," Gerard said, leaning in to now hold Frank. Although, Frank never seemed to let go of Gerard's softening length. "What are you doing Daddy?" Gerard asked, while Frank began to stroke again. "You're so good to me, you get to come again," Frank smiled, and Gerard was already hardening. "Daddy don't... I'm gonna... Oh!" Frank pushed the pad of his finger into Gerard's slit smearing the pre come on his head, earning a long groan from him. "Such a good boy... So good to his Daddy," Frank mumbled. Gerard was whimpering once more. Not knowing how to handle the overstimulation. This time he wasn't able to come as hard, but it was definitely something when he came all over himself once again, staining his jammies one more.
     After everything was finished, and Gerard was changed out of his now ruined pajamas and into his panties to be more comfy, Frank was still painfully hard. He could go rub one off in the bathroom, or deal with it until he fell asleep. As much as he wanted to just roll Gerard over and fuck him, his baby was sleepy, and needed rest. So he thought a shower was a good way to fix his problem.
     "Where are you going?" Gerard asked, as Frank strode from the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be back in a sec," Hs said, and soon Gerard was following him. "You're coming?" Frank asked, opening the door to true bathroom. Gerard giggled before he  responded, "I'm not, but you are."
WWOOAAHH, I really wanted to update today for all the sad emos out there who need some gayness to cheer them up. Me and the rest of these kids wore our MCR t shirts and had a hugging circle in the middle of the hallway
It was nice

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