Meeting The Others

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The day had finally come, the day where Chase and Riley made plans to introduce their son to their friends. The truth is, the others don't know about Dillon. It's not because Chase and Riley didn't want to tell them, it was just because they never had the time.

Both fathers were on the couch watching TV when the baby monitor went off. Riley got up and went to his son's room.

When Riley waked into Dillon's room, he saw that his child was standing in his crib laughing. Even though Dillon was three, he felt more comfortable in a crib rather than in a real bed. "Hey buddy." Riley said smiling at his child. "It's a good thing that you're happy, because today is a special day. You get to meet daddies friends."

When Dillon heard that he was meeting people that he didn't know, he became sad. Tears began to form and Riley got nervous.

"Don't cry. Everything will be fine." Riley tried to ease his child's sadness.

"Mean people." Dillon told him pouting.

"They're not mean at all. If they were, we wouldn't be taking you to see them." With that, Dillon seemed to calm down.

After getting Dillon dressed for the day, the family ate breakfast. Luckily, Dillon wore a bib while he ate so syrup couldn't get on his outfit. It wasn't long until Dillon found a way to mess something up. While Chase wasn't looking, Dillon threw a piece of pancake with syrup into his Papa's lap.

"Sorry." Dillon faked apologized.

"It's okay. But it got on a certain area where Daddy loves." Chase smirked.

"Chase! He doesn't need to hear that." They could see the red in Riley's face.

"Relax, he probably doesn't know what I'm talking about. But I need to change. And I know that you want to be there when I do."

"Stop saying things like that! I don't want our son to hear that. And, even though I want to, I can't help you change. I have to finish getting everything ready."

After Chase changed pants and Riley cleaned up, they headed to the car. As Chase got in the driver's seat, Dillon was beginning to get fussy while he was getting into his car seat.

"Dillon, I don't want any trouble. Cheer up, today is suppose to be fun. I already told you that there is nothing to worry about. Daddies friends won't hurt you, they'll love you." Riley said as he finished putting Dillon in the car.

The drive to the museum wasn't too bad. Dillon behaved and didn't talk hardly. It was still obvious that he was upset, but he was staying brave for his daddies.

When they arrived, the water works began. As soon as Dillon saw the triceratops in front of the building, he cried as hard as he could.

"Scary, daddies. It scary. It gonna eat me. I don't want to be here." Dillon told as he thrashed in his seat trying to escape.

When Chase parked the car, he got out and opened Dillon's door. He took Dillon out of the seat and held him close. "Baby, it's okay. Everything is okay. The dinosaur isn't real, you're okay. What if I hold you until we get inside?" Chase tried soothing his child while rubbing his back.

"Okay." They all then made their way inside, they also made sure they didn't get near the triceratops. Inside the museum, Dillon was put on the ground while Chase and Riley went to the secret door that lead them to their headquarters.

Immediately upon entering the room, Dillon's face lit up. He loved the bright colors and how big the room is. The best thing to him were the energems that are on the wall. He walked towards them and was stopped by Riley.

"Not so fast, Dillon. You can't play with those. Those are big boy toys."

"I am big boy. You said so. You lie." Dillon huffed.

"I did not lie. You are a big boy, but not big enough to play with those. Only big boys my and Papa's age are allowed to play with them."

A minute later, Tyler and Shelby came down through the slide. Tyler hugged Chase and Riley, and Shelby bent down to Dillon's height.

"Hey, what's your name?" She asked.

Dillon looked over to his dad's, who gave a nod. "Me Dillon." Dillon then went and hid behind Riley's legs.

"He's adorable." Stated Tyler.

Suddenly, Koda jumped out of his cave and landed hard on the ground. The loud noise he made was enough for Dillon to freak out.

Dillon cried hard enough to make snot come out of his nose and to make himself hiccup. "Daddies! Scary. I don't like it. I wanna leave." Dillon ended up on the floor in a ball formation.

Chase picked up his son and held him closer than ever before. "Okay, Dillon. We'll go home." He then turned to his friends. "I'm sorry. We need to calm him down. Maybe we could do this again sometime." He and Riley then left. Dillon noticed how sad his dad's were and he felt even worse.

When the family arrived home, they sat on the couch and watched TV. Halfway through the movie, Dillon cried again. "Sorry daddies."

"What's wrong? Why are you sorry?" Riley asked.

"I made you and Papa sad and I was bad all day. Do you still love me."

Chase became concerned and worried. "Dillon, we will always love you, and nothing will ever change that. And you were never once bad, you were scared, and that was okay. Me and Daddy aren't sad because of leaving, we were sad because you were sad."

Dillon soon became happy again. The rest of the night was spent on the couch

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