I Promise You That

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On the Animarium, Clay was in the middle of his training when his mom stopped by to see him. She held her hands to her heart because her son reminded her of her time as a ranger. Clay turned around and saw his mother.

"Mom, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I just came here to see you practice your skills. I wish you knew the rest of your team so you can learn how to depend on others." Alyssa replied.

"I already know the yellow of my team, which is Luna McKnight. She's the daughter of the red and yellow Dino Rangers."

"You only see her when the two of you fight a monster. You need to gather your team together and stay with each other. A ranger team must cooperate on and off duty."

"Mom, I know. It's hard to find all of the rangers."

"Dillon found his team."

"But it took him a long time."

"I bet he'll help you if you ask. That way you will find them faster. Luna can even go along."

"I'm not too sure that I want Dillon around me."

"Why not? He seems like a great guy, and an excellent ranger."

"He's gay."

Alyssa gasped after hearing what her son had said. She raised him better than to judge anyone for something like that.

"I raised you to accept anyone, no matter who they are. Why would you say such a thing?" Alyssa shouted.

"Because I'm not sure if he'll do something."

"Are you homophobic?"

"Of course not!" Clay raised his voice to his mother. "I have nothing against gay people, I just don't know what they're like. I don't know if Dillon might flirt with me or not."

"Just travel with him to find your teammates."

With that, Clay made his way to Amber Beach. He still wasn't sure that his mother was right. He would have to watch out for the people he's around.

In the Randall-Griffin house, Dillon and Chance were babysitting Astronema. The adults were having a date night and left the two cousins in charge of the baby. The rest of the Rail Rangers were checking out the city.

Chance is in the kitchen making a bottle. He searched the cabinets for a bottle, but had to take a dirty one and wash it. Once the bottle was cleaned and milk was poured in, Chance handed the bottle to Dillon.

Dillon held his baby cousin and began to fed her. He watched as the newborn sucked the bottle dry within minutes. After burping the baby, a knock was heard at the door.

Dillon handed the baby to Chance and went to answer the door. Before opening, Dillon looked through the peephole and saw Clay. He opened the door and brought Clay to the couch.

"Is there something you need?" Dillon asked.

"Not really." Clay lied.

"There's something going on, because you're here. Tell the truth."

"I need your help."

"With what?"

"Finding my team."

"What made you consider me for this task?"

"I figured that since you've found your team, you can help me find mine. The yellow of my team agreed to help us."

"Sure. I'll help."

"Thanks." Clay said with slight sadness. He moved himself a little further back.

"What's wrong?"


"Stop lying and tell the truth."

"I'm kind of scared to be around you."


"Because you're, well, you know."

"You're homophobic?"

"No! I have nothing against gay people, I don't know what they might do. I don't know what you will do if you're around me."

"Clay, I won't do anything. I have a boyfriend. I promise that I won't make you feel uncomfortable."

"Okay. I think you're a great guy, but it might take a while for me to open up."

"That's fine, I good with waiting."

At that moment, Astronema decided to cry. Clay remembered the picture he got of her, and he asked to hold her. As soon as Astronema was in Clay's arms, she stopped crying and she laughed. She even had a silver glow.

"Why did she glow silver?" Chance asked.

"I don't know. It could just be the lighting in this room." Dillon answered.

When the adults arrived home, they had a discussion with Clay. Clay seemed even more distant when he was around Chase and Riley. Neither Dillon or Clay said anything.

"Clay, you're welcome to stay in the boys's house for now." Chase said.

"Mr. Randall-Griffin, do you mind if I stay in this house and share a room with Dillon? That house seems to small for all of the boys." Clay said.

"I don't have a problem with you sharing a room with my son, but you have to get his permission."

Clay looked at Dillon with a desperate look on his face. Dillon nodded, which meant that he accepted.

Later that night, Clay was getting settled in Dillon's room. He had set up an air mattress with a blanket on top. When he was about to lay down, Dillon turned to him.

"Why did you want to share a room with me?" Dillon asked.

"I wanted to show that I'm not a homophobe. And I wanted this opportunity to get to know you better."

"Okay." Dillon said as he was about to exit the room.

"Where are you going, Dillon?"

"I'm going into the hallway so you can change."

"I don't mind you being in here while I change. We're both guys."

"If you're fine with it, but I promise you that I won't stare."

Dillon turned his head as he heard Clay begin changing. For a split second, he peeked at Clay. What Dillon saw made his mouth water.

Clay was facing the wall, only in a pair of blue boxer briefs. His back looked strong and formed. He even had a tattoo of a white tiger on his left shoulder. Dillon wiped his mouth and turned away. When Clay finished putting on his pajamas, he got into his air mattress.

"Goodnight." Clay said as the two went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, TK snuck into Dillon's room and woke Dillon up. He took Dillon away to their secret hideout in the woods.

Dillon and TK's hideout was deep in the Amber Beach Woods. There was a section that held a table and two chairs. Lights were strung across the trees, which made the place look romantic. TK sat Dillon down and sat across from him.

"Why is Clay sharing a room with you?" TK asked a little jealous.

"He's staying in Amber Beach so he can search for his teammates with me. He wanted to get to know me better, so that's why we're sharing a room. Don't worry, nothing's going on. I promise you that."

"I hope you're right, because you're my boyfriend."

As the couple became romantic, they heard a noise behind them. It sounded like someone was moving toward them. That's when a man in red jumped onto the table.

"Who are you?" TK asked.

"My name is Nick Russell. I'm the red Mystic Ranger from the town of Briarwood. I need ranger help." The man said.

"We'll help."

The two followed Nick to a random tree in the woods. Dillon contacted Clay, and Clay arrived at the scene. The four went through the tree and ended up in another town.

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