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At the rise of dawn, the Griffin ranch was silent. Since Matt and Riley moved out, their mother was all alone. At first, she was glad they were gone because she didn't like the decisions they made. But now, she thought about her choice.

When she heard her computer buzz, she didn't expect to see what she had saw. Her youngest son had e-mailed her. She opened the letter and read its contents.

She cried after reading the letter. She couldn't believe that her own children would hate her. Even though Riley said not to write back, she decided to write anyway.

Breakfast time in the Randall-Griffin house was the same sweet bliss like every morning. Riley was feeding Dillon his mashed bananas, Chase was still cooking, and Matt ate like a pig. Karone stayed the night, and Chase and Riley knew exactly what her and Matt did last night.

"Thanks for having me to stay the night." Karone said to Matt.

"No problem."

"Uncle Matt, did you and Karone have sex?" Dillon asked, which made everything stop what they were doing.

"Dillon! Where did you learn that word?" Chase asked.

"Last night, I heard you and Daddy say that Uncle Matt and Karone are having sex." When Dillon said that, two sets of eyes glared at Chase and Riley.

"Dillon, go to your play room." Riley said. Dillon obeyed and went away.

"So, why were you two talking about our private life?" Matt asked.

"I'm so sorry. It's just a little brother wanting to talk about his older brother." Riley explained.

"It's fine. Just don't talk about it again."

Suddenly, the computer beeped. When Riley went to see what it was, he closed the machine as fast as he could. He stormed to his room without a word.

Chase followed. "Riley, what's wrong? Why are you so mad?"

"It was an e-mail from my mom."

"Why did you act like that downstairs?"

"Because I didn't want her ever communicating with me again."

"Riley, man up and read the damn letter!" Chase raised his voice, which frightened and aroused Riley.

"Chase! I don't want to."

"If you won't, I will."

Chase went back downstairs and opened the computer. When Riley was at the last step, the other two saw how angry he was. When Riley reached Chase, he pulled Chase back and threw him across the room.

"Riley! What the hell has gotten into you?" Screamed Matt.

"Leave me alone!"

Riley began hurting Chase, which made Matt grab his brother and pull him back. Karone decided to leave, thinking it was a family issue.

"Riley, let me read it." Chase said.

"Read what?" Asked Matt.

"An e-mail mom sent. I told her in the one I sent to never write back, but she did. I don't want to know anything that she might have sent." Stated Riley.

"Little bro, just read it. You can always delete it after, and you don't even need to respond to her."

"I guess you're right. Chase, open the letter." Chase clicked the message that Riley's mom had sent.

Riley and Matt,

I'm sorry for what I said and did. I did some long thinking, and I still don't accept you for your choice, but I want my family back. I'm willing to turn the barn into a living are for the two of you. I just don't feel comfortable with your kind in the same building as me.

As for my grandchild, I'm willing to take him and raise him more proper than I did with you two. He will learn to love girls and will marry one.

Since you two left, I've turned to alcohol as a way to make me feel like I have something to live for. I can change that I've you come back. Please, I need my family.

From, your mother

After reading that message, the three men grew angry with her even more. "That bitch! She basically said she doesn't accept me, but she wants us back to conform our child." Riley said.

"Delete the e-mail. Don't bother responding." Matt said. Riley did what he was told. Dillon the came in.

"Daddy, Papa, Uncle Matt, I'm sorry." Dillon said.

"Why?" Chase asked.

"For saying that word and making you all hate each other."

"Dillon, you didn't make us hate each other, something else did. And make sure you never use that word again."

"Okay." Dillon said and went back to play.

Once the e-mail was deleted, the grown men went to watch TV. They thought things were fine again, that is until Karone came rushing in through the front door. She appeared in front of the boys.

"Guys, I got some news." She stated.

"What?" Asked all three.


"Your brother is visiting?" Matt's guess.

"You're dying your hair?" Riley's guess.

"You bought me a skateboard?" Chase guessed, which made everyone glare at him.

"No to all of them." She said. "I'm pregnant!"

"What? How did that happen?" Matt asked.

"Well, when me and you were in your room naked on your bed, we did a dance in the bed. That dance just so happened to be called sex. That is what caused my situation." Explained Karone.

"That's great."

All four of them hugged. The three guys might have lost one family member, but they gained two new ones.

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