Group Date

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Dillon sat at the kitchen table feeding Justin. Ever since the new baby came along, Dillon hasn't been paying much attention to anyone else. His little brother was his main priority, and even TK wasn't getting any attention.

Minutes later, Matt walked upstairs. He noticed how stressed Dillon looked. He grabbed his oldest nephew's hand and pulled him to the living room.

"Uncle Matt, what are you doing?" Dillon asked. "I have to finish feeding Justin."

"I'll get Karone to finish feeding him." He answered. "You need a break from everything."


"Because I've seen you all week looking stressed out. You need to relax and take a day off."

"But Karone and you can't handle both Justin and Astronema."

"Your dads will be home shortly. They'll help us."

"What do you expect me to do today?"

"I have things planned out for you. Just headed to the Dino Bite in an hour."

Meanwhile, Chance and Layla walked through the park. The couple held hands and stared happily at each other.

As the pair walked down the concrete path, they saw another couple walking towards them. This couple had on yellow and orange. When they got closer, the other couple was clear to see. It was Aurora and Colby.

The four Rail Rangers quickly gathered and had a group hug. The two girls hugged longer, and the two boys shook hands.

"What are you two doing here?" Layla asked as they all straightened up.

"We could sake you two the same question." Aurora said.

"We wanted to get some fresh air before our double date with Dillon and TK."

"Why are you double dating with them?"

"Dillon's uncle asked us. He thinks that it will help calm Dillon's stress."

"Do you two want to come and make it a group date?" Chance asked.

"If you want us." Said Colby.

"Great. Meet at the Dino Bite in an hour."

As time went on, it was the moment for the group date. Dillon stood outside the entrance of the cafe. He was shaking, which TK noticed. TK went closer to his boyfriend and held his hand in comfort. After Dillon was calm, the two went inside.

Shelby approached the two boys and walked them to the table where the others are. Dillon and TK took their seats and the group ordered.

Aurora and Layla chatted about typical girl stuff, but the boys stayed quiet. Aurora noticed Dillon looking down.

"What's wrong?" Aurora asked Dillon.

"I'm just worried about Justin."

"Why are you worried about your little brother?"

"Because I've been next to him ever since he came along. I've hardly ever left his side."

"Enjoy tonight. Have fun with your friends and forget all responsibilities for one night."

With that, Dillon did. He cheered up and had fun with his teammates. Even though the group date felt more like a get together, the friends had a great time.

When Dillon got home that night, he went to check up on Justin. When Dillon noticed that his brother was asleep, he went to his own room and slept.

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