Lightspeed Danger

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After a day of living in Angel Grove, Dillon has gotten used to the town. He went shopping and bought clothes for his stay and went sight seeing. He and Layla had good times.

On Monday morning, he was woken up by Dr. Oliver. He saw the picture frame above Dillon's bed.

"Who are they?" The older man asked.

"My dads."

"You have two dads?"

"Yes I do."

"Cool. I have friends that are like them."


"Past teammates of mine. Their names are Adam and Rocky."

"Are they dating?"

"They got married two years ago. They adopted a son around your age."

"What time is it?" Dillon asked while rubbing his eyes.

"It's seven, we got an hour until we got to be at the school. Better get ready."

Dillon got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom. While he took a shower, he thought about where he might find his new teammate. He wondered if he would have to search far away, maybe on Mirinoi. Karone had told him stories about the jungle planet, and he wanted to visit.

When Dillon finished his shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom. He closed the door and saw Layla waiting.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were out here." Dillon said while covering up his body.

"It's okay." Layla told him while looking away.

"I'll just be on my way to my room."

"What took you so long in the shower?"

"You can't just ask somebody that question, especially to a guy."

"You took thirty minutes. And I know what guys like to do in a shower, and it's a nasty think I can't believe they do."

"I do that thing in my room. And I was thinking about where our next teammate might be, that's what took me so long."

"I didn't need to know that you do that nasty self pleasure thing, but where do you think our next teammate may be?"

"On a planet far away."

"We'll just wait until our morpher gives us a new clue."

With that, Dillon went to his room and got dressed. Of course, his outfit consisted of black and green. When he put his shoes on, his morpher beeped. The morpher showed a message, but Layla came in before he could read it.

"Did your morpher show a message too?" She asked.


"Come on, let's read it together."

"It says, 'Before the lights lay, search and protect Mariner Bay.'"

"I know that town, it's only a twenty minute car ride from here."

"Thats good, but what does it mean by the lights lay?"

"I think the town lights going out."

"But why would town lights going out affect us finding someone?"

"It would be dark, so it will make it hard to see."

"I guess so. We need to get to school. Your dad is going to freak out if we're late."

So the school day went on like normal. The classes were easy, nothing exciting happened, and the lunch was still nasty.

After school, Dr. Oliver drove the two kids over to Mariner Bay. The town seemed like any other normal town, but Dillon and Layla knew something was up.

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