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Dillon laid in his bed wandering the same thoughts that he usually do. He thought about when the next monster attack will be, if TK will take him out for a night away from the others, and what he would be eating for lunch.

Dillon got out of his bed and went into the work room to grab a pen. As he was walking out, he noticed the computer open and the e-mail page was pulled up. When he looked it over, he realized it was a letter from Riley's mom. After reading the letter, he made his way downstairs.

Chase and Riley were on the couch, in which they were trying to take a nap. As they almost drifted off, they heard their oldest son run into the living room.

"Is something wrong?" Riley asked.

"As a matter of fact, there is. Why don't I know about my grandmother? And why don't I know about what she said to you?" Dillon asked.

"Because I thought that you wouldn't want to know about my mom. Besides, she wouldn't even recognize you. You were three when she last saw you, which was a year ago. How would we explain that?"

"I don't know. But I have an idea. What if I go to her and act like that I'm just really close to you two? I could get to know her without her knowing me."

"Dillon, I'm not sure about you seeing her alone."

"Chance could come with me. He's also her grandson."

"Fine. But promise me that you two will be safe."

"I promise that we'll be safe."

A few short moments later, Chance and Dillon met up at the front door. The two waved goodbye to their parents and teleported to the Griffin household.

The ranch looked the same as it did last time. A large area was still there, a barn was off to the side, and animals were roaming around. The house looked worn out, but it stayed up.

Chance and Dillon stood at the front door waiting to knock. Dillon felt nervous because he thought about only the negative outcomes. He was worried that he would slip up and his grandmother would find out who he really is. As his worries came to an end, Chance knocked on the door.

Mrs. Griffin opened the door. She wore overalls and a flannel shirt. She had a curious look on her face as she looked at the two boys that she didn't know.

"May I help you two?" She asked.

"Yes. We are here from the FFA branch of Montana. We have heard of all of your work in the community and we wanted to have an interview with you." Dillon lied.

"Then come on in."

Mrs. Griffin escorted the two boys inside and to her living room. Dillon and Chance looked around the house and it didn't have much room. As they made their way to the living room, Dillon looked over and saw a room with the door open. It looked liked Riley's old room.

As Dillon and Chance sat on the couch, Mrs. Griffin sat in a chair across from them. The boys didn't know what to do or what to say.

"So, what's the first question?" Said their grandmother.

"How is your connection with your family?" Asked Chance.

"What does my family have to do with FFA?"

"Sometimes the hard work of citizens begins at home with the ones they love."

"Well, I used to live here with my two sons. The three of us would grow plants and vegetables and donate them to the farmers market. When my sons got older, they moved out to start their own successful farming businesses." She also lied, which made Dillon mad because he knew the truth.

"Do they have their own families?" Dillon asked, wanting to know if she would lie again.

"As a matter of fact, they do. My oldest married a wonderful woman and they work together with my youngest in their business. My youngest married a very talent girl who was raised on a farm. Both of my children have beautiful daughters. I'm proud to be a grandmother to my grandkids."

"What would you do if one of your sons were gay?"

"I would love him unconditionally."

"What happened to your husband?"

"He died in a car accident. He would have loved seeing how his kids have grown."

At that moment, Dillon was about to lash out. He knew very well that all that she said was lies. His hands were in fists, his eyes glared at his grandmother, and he sent off a vibe to Chance to let him know to hold him back.

"I need to step outside for a moment." Dillon said as he stood up. "Chance, please finish this interview."

As soon as Dillon stepped outside, he punched a nearby tree. His anger got the best of him and he continued punching the tree until he left a giant hole in the middle. He fell to the ground and stayed close to the tree.

Minutes later, Chance walked out and saw his cousin by the tree. He walked closer and noticed that Dillon was crying. He squatted down and gave the older a hug. Dillon placed his head on Chance's shoulder and cried.

"It's okay, we can leave now." Stated Chance.

"Why would she lie like that? Why didn't I say anything to her?" Dillon asked.

"Dillon, there was nothing you could have done. If you revealed the truth to her, then you could've gotten in major trouble. About her lying, that's her choice for not wanting to accept the truth. We will never have to see her ever again."

"Let's go home."

The two teleported back to Amber Beach and onto their home. Chase and Riley were waiting for them in the kitchen. Dillon, who is still crying, went over to them and gave them a long hug.

"Was it as bad as we think?" Chase asked.

"Yes, Papa. She lied about everything and I hate her." Said Dillon.

The day ended with the entire family in the living room laying on the floor. Each one knew that they could rely on each other.

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