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Coldness, darkness, emptiness, loneliness, and fear. These were all things that described TK at the moment.

TK is laying in a hospital bed with multiple machines attached to his body. He has been in the hospital for months. According to the doctor, TK was severely punched into a coma. No one would have ever thought that Aaron would do this.

Aaron seemed like the type of person who would let things slide. He wouldn't say anything rude or nasty. So when he attacked TK, that's when the other rangers realized that Aaron wouldn't be a member anymore.

The Rail Rangers were in the waiting area of the emergency room. The girls were crying next to each other while hugging. Dillon, Colby, and Russell were giving anger filled stares at Aaron.

"How could you do this to one of your teammates, and friend?" Colby asked.

"I didn't mean to punch him that hard." Aaron said.

"So you did mean to punch him?"

"Kind of. I was angry and lost my temper. I promise that it won't happen again."

"Of course it won't, because you're no longer a ranger." Dillon told Aaron.

"Why? I haven't done anything wrong."

"If you're too blind to see what you've caused, you're not fit to be a ranger. And a real ranger wouldn't have done that in the first place."

"You're not getting my powers."

"I've thought about you saying that, so I brought someone who might get them from you."

Aaron's dad, Leo, walked in with an angry look on his face. Kendrix followed him into the room.

"Son, I'm extremely disappointed in you. You were given your powers because you showed the strength and discipline of a ranger, but now it's gone. I need your powers." Leo said to his son.

"No! Why should I give up my powers?" Aaron asked.

"Because you have a serious anger issue." Kendrix told him.

When Aaron refused, he started attacking his parents. They fought back and won. As soon as Aaron fell to the ground, Leo grabbed his morpher drained the red Rail Ranger's powers.

Leo turned to Dillon. "I'm giving you this to hold until you've found the perfect replacement."

Dillon thanked him and put the morpher in his backpack. Leo and Kendrix left with Aaron back to Mirinoi.

As Dillon sat back down, he immediately stood back up. He saw Karone being rolled into an empty room. He followed the doctors and saw Karone on a bed with nurses surrounding her.

"What's going on?" Dillon asked.

"I'm having a baby!" Karone shouted.

"It's time already?"

"Yeah. While you've been in Angel Grove, I've been raising a baby in my stomach for the past few months."

"Where's Matt and my dads?"

"They're coming."

After hours of loud labor, Karone finally gave birth to her son. When the doctor handed the child to her, she cried. Seeing his fiancée like this, Matt put his hand on her shoulder.

"Um, I've got some news." The doctor said concerned.

"What is it, doctor?" Karone asked.

"There's another child."


"You're having twins."

After Karone realized that another baby is coming, she began pushing again. The doctor went back down and delivered the baby.

As soon as both kids were held by Karone, it was revealed that the twins were a boy and a girl. Karone stared at her daughter with a blank face. She wondered if her daughter will turn out to be just like her.

"How you thought of names?" The doctor asked.

"The boy, I want him to be named Chance. My daughter, she will be named Astronema." Karone said. The doctor wrote down the names and went off. Matt looked at Karone with confusion.

"Why would you want our daughter to have that name. I thought you hated being Astronema." Matt said.

"Even though being Astronema wasn't the best part of my life, she still is a part of me. I want to remember that part by having something to remember it by. And I want my child knowing my past." Karone revealed.

The Randall-Griffin family took a family picture with the two new additions. Matt and Karone had excited faces knowing that they'll be great parents. Watching the couple made Dillon have an idea.

"Karone, may I see Chance for a second?" Dillon asked.

"Sure. Be careful."

Dillon was given the baby and sat in a chair. He noticed a shimmer in the baby's eyes. Dillon pulled out the red Rail Ranger morpher from his bag.

"What are you doing?" Riley asked.

"I have an idea. What if Chance becomes the new red ranger for my team? I'm thinking that the morpher will turn him into a teenager and give him the powers. Karone, Matt, do you trust me enough to try this? Most importantly, are you willing to accept this fate if I'm right?" Dillon said.

Karone and Matt gave their permission to trust Dillon. Dillon held the morpher on his hands, just waiting for when he's ready. Dillon placed the morpher on the child, which caused a red glow on Chance.

Chance transformed into a sixteen year old and recognized everyone. He knew his parents, uncles, cousin, and sister. He realized that he was in his cousin's lap, and moved to the next seat as fast as possible.

"Nothing against you and all, cousin. I don't want to be in another guys lap." Chance said.

"No problem. How does it feel to be a teenager and a red ranger?"

"It feels great. How come Astronema isn't like me?"

"Because we don't have another morpher to transform her."

"That's fine. I'm happy to be like this."

The cousins hugged and takes some more. When everyone was ready, they signed to go home. Dillon told the other Rail Rangers to go home too.

The family went home and placed Astronema down for a nap. Chance chose to live with the other boys on his team, which everyone agreed upon. When Chance saw Layla, he fell in love.

That night in Turtle Cove, Clay was fighting a monster all by himself. When he defeated the monster, his morpher showed a picture of Astronema.

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