All Grown Up

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Dillon's green glow brightened until he was surrounded by an enormous sphere of green. The brightness was blinding Chase, Riley, and Snide. The glow disappeared and the child wasn't there anymore, an adult green ranger stood in place instead.

"Who is that?" Riley asked.

"Looks like there's another green ranger." Stated Chase.

"Great, more rangers." Snide sarcastically said. "I thought ten of the Dino Charge Rangers were enough. At least there's not anymore."

"Think again." A voice said. The group looked behind and saw Karone on a bench. "You haven't seen me yet. Go Galactic!"

Karone morphed into the Pink Galaxy Ranger and went to strike Snide. She pulled out her Quasar Saber and hit Snide on the chest.

Snide was pushed back. "Another different type of ranger. That's it, I'm furious now!"

Snide forwarded the new green ranger and was stopped by Chase and Riley. Riley slashed his sword at the villain, then Snide was thrown to the middle of the track. Chase was about to shoot when Kendall stopped him. She was already morphed into the purple ranger.

"What are you doing, Mrs. Morgan?" Chase asked.

"Remember, he's also Heckyl. And Heckyl is the father of my child, I don't want any of you harming him." She explained.

"But how are we going to destroy Snide without destroying Heckyl?"

"I don't know. We'll figure something out. We need to go back to headquarters." She said. Chase nodded and the rangers fled their base of operations.

They demorphed when they all were in their safe underground room. All demorphed except the new green ranger. The others examined him.

This green had a train motif. They others speculated that Dillon could be the ranger, but they couldn't figure out how a four year old could be a ranger. The mysterious ranger demorphed to reveal a teenage boy, who looks a lot like Dillon.

"Who are you?" Asked Kendall.

"I'm Dillon." Dillon replied.

"How? You're only four years old. How is the even possible?" Riley asks.

"I think it was the green glow. I suppose it turned me into a ranger, which turned me into a teenager."

"But why?"

"How should I know?"

Keeper appeared in front of Dillon. "Dillon, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Keeper, and I am the mentor of the Dino Charge Rangers, which your fathers are members. They were to protect the lives of ordinary citizens in danger from the evil Snide, which was the monster that you saw today. If you want to know what happened to you, please step in front of the computer."

Dillon stood where he was told and was scanned. The computer immediately gathered data and showed all that it could.

"Looks like the green glow did cause Dillon to age and be a ranger. It says that he is now a sixteen year old and he is a member of the Express Rail Rangers." Kendall explained as she read the screen.

"But why did I become this way?" Dillon asked.

"It says here that your strong imagination caused all of that to happen. And there are more rangers on your team, it's just that they're all located in different places."

"What do I do now? I'm just about the same age as my fathers, how do we explain that?"

"We say that you're adopted, which you are. We still love you just as much, and we always will." Riley said.

"And we'll teach you how to be a ranger. There are rules you have to follow. The major rule is that no one must know that you're a ranger." Chase explained.

"But how do I morph?" Asked Dillon.

"Look at your wrist."

Dillon looked and saw a train station themed wrist device on his wrist. A little green train was locked in place, which was soon ejected into Dillon's hand.

"I think that I'm going to like be a ranger." Exclaimed Dillon.

"Come on, let's head home." Karone said.

When at home, Riley explained everything to Matt. Matt had a mix of emotions, from hate to joy to jealousy.

"So everyone is a ranger except me? I hate this." Matt told his family. "Karone, you shouldn't have fought while you're pregnant, it's dangerous."

"I know, but it was to protect the others."

"I'm glad that you're safe and nothing happened. Dillon, I'm happy to see you all grown up. Now we have some more help to raise my and Karone's child when the baby comes."

"Thanks. I'll be glad to help." Dillon said to his uncle.

"Now we can have a Papa to son talk." Chase said as he put his arm on Dillon's shoulder. "I can teach you how to get a girlfriend."

"I thought you were gay?"

"Riley is gay, I'm bisexual. And how do you know what that means?"

"I'm a teenager, we just automatically know things."

"No matter what, I'm still teaching you on how to get a girl."

"What about if I want a boy?"

"Do you?"

"Nah, I want a girl. I'm just messing with you."

"That's my boy." Chase said and chuckled.

The truth is, Dillon didn't know if he wanted a boyfriend or girlfriend. Since he became a teenager, he couldn't think about anything other than his sexuality and how he became the way he was. When he found out that there are other people with the same ranger powers, he was determined to find them. He turned to his family with a stern look.

"Daddy and Papa, I'm leaving to find my other teammates."

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