Faces From the Past

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A week after visiting Dillon's biological dad in jail, Dillon had been searching for his first teammate. He is currently in Angel Grove with his daddies.

"Dillon, what makes you think that one of your teammates is even in Angel Grove?" Riley asked.

"Because the map on my morpher showed this town. What else could it mean?"

"I don't know. But there could be other reasons other than one of teammates is here."

"I don't care what reason it is, it must mean something."

After talking, the trio found Angel Grove High School. Upon walking in, the hallways looked clean and no students were noticeable. Suddenly a bell rung and students came pouring out of classrooms. Dillon got caught in the middle and was pushed into an empty classroom.

"Hello." Said a voice.

"What?" Dillon asked in confusion.

Dillon turned around and saw the man. He had short black hair and dressed professionally. He was packing a briefcase with papers.

"Is there something I can help you with?" The older asked concerned.

"I was just wondering what subject you teach." Dillon lied.

"Are you a new student? I haven't seen any new additions to my list."

"My first day is tomorrow, that's why my name isn't on the list yet. I came here today to check out the school." More lies Dillon told.

"Well, I teach geology here at this school. My classes are mainly about dinosaur related topics."

"That's awesome!"

"You think so?"

"Of course. I love dinosaurs."

"Great! I hope you enjoy the class. By the way, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Oliver." He said and walked out of the room. Riley and Chase walked in.

"What happened?" Chase asked.

"I met a teacher and told him I'm a new student."


"I don't know. It was in the moment. Anyway, I need to get enrolled in this school today."


"Because I told him my first day is tomorrow. Besides, I'll be able to find my teammate if I'm here."

"What makes you think your teammate is a student at this school."

"It's just a feeling."

"Fine, but where are you planning on living? Riley and I can't stay here."

"I'll figure something out."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

The three of them went to find the principal to get Dillon registered. Luckily, the principal could see them at the moment. After an hour of talking, Dillon was set to start school the next day.

The family decided to stay in a hotel for the night. When morning came, Chase and Riley dropped Dillon at the high school with the needed materials, then the two drove back to Amber Beach.

Dillon walked through the school trying to find his first class. Without noticing where he was walking, he bumped into someone.

"Sorry." Dillon said as he picked up his stuff.

"Don't worry about it. It happens." The girl said with a slight accent.

"I love your voice. What kind of accent do you have?" Dillon asked as the two stood up.

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