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Dillon laid in bed just thinking about the day he just had. He went to defend a town that he didn't know, meet a team of rangers, found the blue ranger of his team, and was given a nice jacket as a gift. None of that stuff bothered him, it was the feelings he has.

Ever since laying his eyes on TK, Dillon has been confused about his sexuality. He began questioning ever since he became a teenager, but held it off because he thought it wasn't important. It wasn't until TK came along that made Dillon question himself again.

TK has that gorgeous brown hair, jawline that goes on for days, charming smile, and deep blue eyes that you can get lost in. His low voice would ring in Dillon's ears and wouldn't leave. To top everything off, TK has a bulge that made Dillon get hard.

"TK Bradley. The name has a nice ring to it." Dillon softly said.

"What did you say?" Layla asked from the doorway.

"Nothing. Why are you at my door?"

"I came to give you your morpher. You left it in my dad's truck."


"What were you saying about TK?"

"It was nothing."

"It was something. Please tell me. We're best friends, you can tell me anything." Said Layla as she sat next to Dillon.

"It's something personal."

"You can tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Will you promise not to make fun of me?"

"I promise."

"I'm confused about my sexuality."

"Dillon, it's completely normal for teens, especially teen boys, to go through this challenge. It doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you, it just means that you're finding your true self. I'm sure that almost every boy that goes to our school has gone through with thinking about their sexual preference. I'm pretty sure that my dad has thought about his sexuality when he was younger. No matter the outcome, you will always be loved and supported."

"Thanks for that, but I'm not sure what I should do about my feelings for TK."

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?"

"I can't go up to a straight guy and confess my feelings for him. Besides, he's our teammate."

"What makes you so sure that he's straight?"

"Have you seen his looks? He's absolutely grip dead gorgeous. Besides, every cute guy is straight."

"That theory isn't always true. I've seen that picture of your dads, and they're both smoking hot."

"Layla! They're my dads, don't say that kind of stuff around me."

"It's the truth, they're hot. And the whole TK being our teammate thing, it probably won't even change anything if you tell him your feelings."

"Why do you think that?"

"If he's straight, he might be a little uncomfortable at first, but he'll get over it because you two are teammates and friends. If he's gay or bisexual, there's a possibility that he feels the same way about you, and the most in that situation is that the two of you will date. No matter what, he'll have your back."

"I hope you're right."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I want to tell him how I feel, but I don't know when."

"Tell him when you feel comfortable."

"Alright. Goodnight."


The next morning, a monster appeared at Angel Grove Park. The three Rail Rangers were at the scene, and they were already morphed.

When the monster grabbed TK, Dillon got furious and attacked the monster on his own. He knew that the monster would overpower him, but all Dillon could think about was TK and getting him to safety.

Before Dillon could do damage to the enemy, the monster switched positions with TK. Dillon accidentally hit TK, which made him upset.

TK dropped to the ground and demorphed. Dillon demorphed and rushed to his side and held him in his arms. He cried and TK noticed.

"Dillon, it was an accident, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Stop crying, I'm okay." TK reassured.

"You may be, but I'm not. I just hurt the love of my life. I love you so much." Dillon said without realizing what he said.

"Did you say what I that you said?"

"I'm so sorry."

"I can't believe that you're that way. I need to go." TK said and then ran off.

The monster struck Dillon. Dillon morphed again and he attacked the monster with the help of Layla. The monster took a while, but was defeated.

Later that night, Dillon was at Adelle's Surf Spot just sitting in a booth. His thoughts mainly consisted of how he majorly messed up. He said how he felt to TK, and then he ran off. Dillon was thinking that TK might get angry and be violent, or possibly quit being a ranger.

What Dillon didn't expect was seeing TK walk into the building. The blue ranger searched the place until he noticed Dillon. He went over and sat across from the green ranger.

"I'm so sorry for what I said. I know you're straight and I shouldn't have told you what I did." Dillon apologized.

"Dillon, it's okay. You're wrong about me, I'm not straight. Truth is, I love boys." Revealed TK.

"Then why did you run off and said what you said?"

"I couldn't believe that you liked boys too, especially me. I ran off because I was scared. I didn't know how to process the information at the time, but I thought about it when I ran off. I realized that I'm in love with you too. Dillon, will you go out on a date with me?"

"Sure. Let's have it now. We're already at the best place in town, why not make it better?"

"I love your thinking."

The two ate their food and drunk a single smoothie with two straws. They laughed and held hands throughout the night. They became alert when their morphers beeped and showed a map.

"What's the location?" TK asked.

"It's a planet." Dillon answered.

"Do you know which one?"

"Of course I do. Why shouldn't I? My aunt to be talked a whole bunch of this planet. The yellow ranger from her team is from this planet."

"What planet is it?"


"What could it mean?"

"Another one of our teammates could be on that planet."

The two left so they could tell Layla. When they were outside the hangout spot, Dillon and TK turned to each other. TK leaned in and gave Dillon a kiss on the lips.

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