Mirinoi Mission

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Space. Coldness. Fear. Excitement. These were all things the three Rail Rangers could think about.

The three rangers are currently on a space ship headed to a jungle planet that they've never been before. They believe that their next teammate may be on that planet.

Dr. Oliver talked to NASA and got permission for the rangers to use a ship. He gave them supplies for the trip and knowledge. He stayed in Angel Grove because of him being a teacher, and he believes that the teens would be fine without him.

Inside the ship, Layla was clutching to her seat with dear life. TK and Dillon held hands and wouldn't let go. They could see the universe, and it was beautiful.

After a few hours, the rangers reached their destination. The three exited the ship and gazed the setting around them.

Trees were everywhere, pretty flowers grew from the ground, the breeze was magnificent, and the scent took their breath away. The planet was green and purple upon looking from in space, but it looked like a forest once inside.

After walking for a while, the teens ended up on a beach. They searched around for someone and came upon a sword. Dillon picked it up and immediately recognized the weapon.

"What is it?" TK asked.

"It's a Quasar Saber. And it belongs to the red Galaxy Ranger." Dillon said.

"How do you know?"

"Because my aunt to be is the pink Galaxy Ranger. She has the same sword, but her symbol on it is a wildcat. This symbol is a lion, which means that this sword belongs to Leo."

"How do you know about Leo?" Layla asked.

"The red Galaxy Ranger. I know because Karone talks about her teammates all the time. I also know that a Galaxy Ranger would never leave this weapon behind, something must've happened to Leo."

"What should we do?"

"We need to find him first, then we can continue our mission for our teammate."

The three looked around for traces of Leo, but nothing appeared. About an hour later, they heard footsteps behind them.

"What do I have here?" The voice said full with evil in their voice.

The rangers turned around and saw who was behind them. It looked like an evil pink ranger.

"Who are you?" Asked Layla.

"I'm Psycho Pink." The villain said.

"How?" Dillon asked. "Karone said that you were destroyed years ago. How is it possible that you're still alive?"

"They thought I was destroyed, but I had a DNA chip in me, and it made it through when I was destroyed. Someone came along and I was born again. I still remember everything, and I want revenge."

"It's not going to happen."

The rangers morphed and started to fight Psycho Pink. She was tough, tougher than any other monster. They thought that they were through, but the Galaxy Rangers appeared and helped. They all fought, but Psycho Pink ran off.

"Thanks for the help." TK said as everyone demorphed.

"It was no problem. I'm Leo." Leo introduced.

"We better get you three to safety." Said the yellow. Once they were in some kind of tree hideout, Dillon gave back Leo's Quasar Saber.

"Thanks for finding it. I must've left it at the beach while I was working out." Leo said.

"Who are you all?" Asked Layla.

"I'm Leo, the red ranger. Damon is green, Kai is blue, and Maya is yellow. Maya is a native from this planet."

"How's Karone doing?" Maya asked.

"She's excellent. She's pregnant with my cousin." Dillon told Maya.

"That's great. Does she still fight?" Asked Kai.

"No. She's taking things slow now. Where's Kendrix? Karone said that she is alive."

"She's in her room." Damon said.

Just then, a teenage boy came into the room. He had on a red shirt, pink shoes, and black jeans. He had light brown hair and green eyes. He seemed normal until Dillon noticed what was on the boy's wrist.

"You have that morpher." Dillon said.

"Yeah, I've been practicing my ranger skills deep in the forests. My name is Aaron, the red Rail Ranger." He introduced himself.

"We're your teammates. We came all the way here to find you."

"Can I go with you so I can be with you?"

"Of course, we need the help on Earth."


"What made you come in this building?"

"I live here with my mom and dad. Leo and Kendrix are my parents, and they've taught me everything that they know."

"Let's get back to our ship so we can return to Earth."

"What about Psycho Pink? I heard that she was back."

Kendrix cam out of her room. "Son, go with your team. Me, your father, and our team will handle Psycho Pink."

"But mom, your not a ranger anymore."

"I can handle things without my powers. I have a score to settle with that monster."

"Be safe."

"I will. I'll let you know whenever something happens."

So the Rail Rangers went back on their ship and waved goodbye to the Galaxy Rangers. The rocket blasted off and left the planet.

When the Rail Rangers arrived back in Angel Grove, Aaron got enrolled in the high school. They went over to drop TK off at his house.

"Where will Aaron live?" Layla asked.

"He can stay with me. My parents won't mind." TK said.

Dillon went over to his boyfriend and whispered. "TK, you better not try anything with him. If you do, we're over."

"I promise. I only have eyes for you."

The two kissed and parted ways. Dillon and Layla drove back to Layla's house, while TK and Aaron went inside TK's place.

When Aaron sat on his new bed, his phone ringed. He answered and his mother was on the other side.

"What happened?" He asked.

"We defeated Psycho Pink for the final time. Me and your father finished her off with our combination attack."

"I'm so glad. I hope you don't miss me too bad."

"I'll always miss you, and your father will too. He told me to tell you to get a girlfriend, or boyfriend."


"What? Your father and I know you like both. That Layla girl seems perfect for you."

"She's hot, but I have my eyes set on someone else."


"Dillon. He has a boyfriend, but I'm sure I can take care of that."

"Aaron Joseph Corbett! We raised you to never ruin a relationship. Don't you dare mess things up between those two."

"Okay. Goodnight."


The two hung up and Aaron laid in bed. He lied to his mother, he was definitely planning on getting Dillon all to himself.

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