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The day had finally came. Dillon's fourth birthday arrived. The thing is, Dillon didn't know about birthdays because his biological parents never celebrated them. Chase and Riley had to explain everything to him.

In the morning, Chase and Riley quietly walked into their son's room. They gently lowered the latches on the crib and gently shook the child. Dillon sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Daddies, why are you so happy?" Dillon asked when he saw that the two men were extra excited.

"Dillon, it's your birthday." Said Riley.

"What's that?"

"It's a special day that comes once a year, and it shows how much you've grown and it also proves that you're a year older. Today, you're four."

"I never had a birthday. Is it a bad thing?" Dillon looked like he had tears forming.

"Not at all. It's a happy day. Now listen, daddies friends you saw a long time ago are coming over."

Dillon began crying. "They scary. They scared me last time. Please they no come."

Chase grabbed his son. "I promise they won't be scary. They will love you and be happy. Even Karone is coming over. How about you dress yourself how ever you want too, and then meet me and Daddy downstairs?" He said and Dillon nodded.

Chase and Riley left the room and stayed just outside the door. Riley sobbed and Chase wrapped his arms around the others waist.

"Riley, what's wrong?" Chase asked.

"It's Dillon, I'm sad for him."


"I hate his real parents for never once celebrated his birthday. Dillon is such a sweet child, and he has done nothing wrong. I just can't believe what his old family did to him. His real father would constantly come home drunk and beat him, it's unfair. His mother would just watch and won't do anything, she would even put out her cigarettes by burning them on his skin. Every time I see his scars, I cry on the inside. Whenever he talks about how his real parents would abuse him, it's like I'm being abused." Riley cried harder than he has ever done before.

"Riley, I know it's sad, but we both promised that we wouldn't bring up the topic of those people. And those monster may be his biological mom and dad, but me and you are Dillon's parents. We love him as if he was biologically ours."

Dillon walked out of his room. "Daddy, why you crying? Did I do something?"

Riley stopped his tears. "It's nothing, please go downstairs."

Dillon did what he was told and his fathers followed. Breakfast was already made, and it was all Dillon's favorite morning food. On the table were pancakes, strawberries, milk, muffins, and orange juice. Matt and Karone were already waiting at the table.

Throughout the meal, the family laughed and enjoyed their time together. The adults all talked about how much Dillon changed their life's since he was adopted.

After breakfast, the others showed up. At the sight of them, Dillon tensed up. He remembered what happened last time, and is still scared. He thought about what his daddies said and he put on a brave face.

Tyler came over to Dillon. "Hey, little buddy. Are you feeling better?" He asked. Dillon nodded and turned away.

"He's a little nervous." Riley stated.

Koda came up next. "I sorry. About. Last meet." He said in his bad english speech.

"Daddy, why he talk like that?" The child asked when Koda walked away.

"He's not from here. He hasn't learned how to talk yet."


Moments later, everyone was in the backyard. Dillon was formally introduced to the other rangers, and he is no longer scared of them. He's even playing tag all around the yard with all of them.

"Okay everyone, it's time for presents." Riley said.

"What's that?" Asked Dillon.

"It's when you get new toys."

"What will happen to the ones I have?"

"You'll still keep them, you'll just get more."


After spending a few minutes unwrapping, Dillon was satisfied with all the gifts. He got a new set of blocks, a couple of Disney products, and a skateboard. He insisted that he wasn't ready for a skateboard, but Chase promised that it'll be fine.

"Guys, I've had a great time, but I have to leave." Shelby stated.

"Me too." Said Tyler. The other rangers said their goodbyes and left.

When the party was over, the family cleaned up. While Karone was putting up the cake, she noticed Dillon on the couch crying.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's Papa."

"What about him?"

"He want me to ride board, but I can't. If I tell, he be mad and hate me."

"He won't hate you. It's okay if you don't know how to ride a skateboard, but your Papa will teach you. He can never be mad and hate you. He loves you too much. Let me tell you something, I'm having a baby. I don't know how to handle things when it becomes complicated, but your Uncle Matt won't be mad and he definitely won't hate me. He'll help me."

"Uncle Matt is a daddy?"

"He will be in nine months."

"Is the baby a boy or girl?"

"I don't know yet."

"Why not?"

"Because it takes time for the baby to grow. When the baby is big enough, I'll be able to know if it is a boy or girl."

"Will baby be my brother or sister?"

"No, but the baby will be your cousin."


Later that night, Dillon was in his play room playing with the new set of blocks. He combined the old set and the new one so he can use them at the same time. His tower was barley built when Matt walked in.

"Little buddy, what you doing?" Matt asked.


"Did you like your birthday?"

"Yes. I never had one before."

"How come?" Matt asked, unknowing about Dillon's full background.

"My real parents never done anything for me. They hate me. They would hurt me and cause me to get scars." Dillon lifted up his shirt and showed Matt the cigarette wounds that are still visible.

Matt became furious. "You will never be hurt here. Forget about everything your old family did, you have a new family. We love you and we always will."

"I love you, Uncle Matt."

"I love you too."

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