Red and Pink

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Chance woke up in the morning because of his little sister crying. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He slowly got out of bed and went into the kitchen.

Karone was feeding Astronema her morning bottle. Matt's by the stove making breakfast. And the rest of the family sat around the table.

"About time you woke up." Stated Matt.

"What are you talking about, dad?" Chance asked.

"It's already nine. You usually get up by eight."

"I was really tired last night."

The family ate breakfast and cleaned up the mess. Chase and Riley then went shopping, Matt watched Astronema, Karone took a shower, and Dillon and Chance went outside. The two boys then walked to the park.

At the park, Dillon went to the swings and swung. Chance just walked along the concrete pathway.

Chance thought about how he felt, and he felt alone. Every mature member in his family has someone that they love. His parents are together, his uncle is engaged, and Dillon has a boyfriend. Ever since Chance became a teenager, he has been trying to find a girlfriend. He did find Aurora nice, but he thought Layla was prettier. Then, all of a sudden, he saw Layla walking towards him.

Layla had on a light pink sundress, brown boots, and had her hair in a ponytail. She walked with elegance, wore a smile, and twirled a flower in her hand. As soon as she noticed Chance, she walked faster and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Layla asked as she pulled away from her hug.

"I just came here with Dillon to escape from the madness that we call our family." He replied.

Layla laughed. "That's funny."

"Aren't you sad that you haven't seen your family in a while?"

"At first I was, but I got to know Amber Beach better. I love living here and I hope to return back, but not anytime soon."

"Why are you all dressed up?"

"Since I wanted to visit the park, I felt like dressing nice. Aurora even did my hair."

"That's nice."

The two stood still for a moment, not knowing what to do next. Dillon glared from the swings, trying to figure out what his cousin will do. Chance shook his hands in nervousness. Layla swung her hips to and fro.

Chance finally got the nerve to say something. "Layla, will you go out on a date with me?"

Layla felt relieved. "Of course. I've been waiting for you to ask ever since you turned into a teen."


"Because I think that you're attractive."

"You do?"

"Why wouldn't I? Your dirty blond hair, your muscles, and your amazing smile are all perfect. I can't wait for our date. When is our date?"

"Tonight, if you want."

"Absolutely. But where?"

"The Dino Bite Cafe."

"I would love that."

Layla walked off and Dillon approached his cousin. "Nice work, little cousin. She's kinda hot."

"Aren't you gay?"

"What? I can't call a girl hot?"

"Not if the girl is my girlfriend."

"She's not yet your girlfriend."

"After tonight, she'll definitely be calling me her boyfriend."

"Whatever. Let's just head home so you can get ready for tonight."

When the two boys arrived home, they spent the next few hours trying to prepare Chance for his first date. Dillon would pick out outfits, but Chance would deny every one of them.

Chance went to his drawers and pulled out a nice red shirt. He showed it to Dillon, who gave approval. Along with the shirt, Dillon gave Chance a pair of khaki pants.

"Get dressed." Stated Dillon.


"Because, your date with Layla begins in twenty minute. You don't have much time to waste."

"Can you please leave the room?"

"Chance, just change. We're cousins, and both boys, it doesn't matter. Just get dressed then we have to head to the car."

Chance dressed into the outfit and the two went to the museum. Dillon dropped Chance off at the entrance and drove back home. Chance was nervous about his first date, but he built up the courage to enter the building. He walked inside and tried looking for Layla.

Chance met up with Layla at the velociraptor exhibit. Layla had on a short pink and purple dress with her hair in braids. She wore heels that compliment her outfit.

The two walked to the other side of the building to be at the Dino Bite Cafe. Once inside the small restaurant, the pair were greeted by Shelby. The pink Dino Charge Ranger sat the couple down at a booth and left the menus.

"I'll be back to take your orders." Shelby said as she walked away.

Minutes later, Shelby came back with her notepad. After the orders were placed, Chance and Layla made small talk.

After the meal, Chance paid the bill and he escorted him and Layla outside. He placed his arm around her waist.

"Tonight was lovely. I loved the rojo tea." Layla said.

"The rojo tea is a new product that they're trying out. And by the way, I loved spending tonight with you."

"I love tonight too."

"So, what are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?"



When the two reached Chance's house, they went to his room. Chance played a slow song and the two of them slow danced for the rest of the night.

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