I Dream of Aaron

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After a fun day with his family, Dillon was ready for a good nights rest. After saying goodnight to his dads and brother, he went upstairs to get ready for bed.

He did his nightly routine of showering, brushing teeth, and putting on pajamas. As he was brushing his teeth he began getting even more tired than what he already was.

Dillon entered his room and turned off the lights. He got into his bed and pulled the blankets over his body. As he slept, his dream was coming in.

He dreamt that he was with Layla. The two were talking about their team and about teammates. Then their morphers went off.

"Look at this, I was right." Dillon said.

"What do you mean?" Layla asked.

"I was right about where our next teammate is."


"The planet Mirinoi."

"How are we going to get there?"

"With a rocket ship."

So with the help of Dr. Oliver, Dillon and Layla were launched into space. As they flew in outer space, the were amazed at the beauty that they saw. The stars were even more shiny and beautiful.

Soon they landed on the jungle planet Mirinoi. They walked until they reached a large stone with swords in it. Dillon knew that the swords were the Quasar Sabers and belonged to the Galaxy Rangers.

Speaking of which, they jumped out and appeared in front of Dillon and Layla. The two didn't know what to do.

"Who are you?" Dillon asked.

"We're the Galaxy Rangers." Leo said. "I'm the red and the leader. Maya's the yellow, Damon green, and Kai blue."

"Well, I'm the green Rail Ranger."

"And I'm the pink." Said Layla.

"Aren't there five of you?" Dillon asked.

"Yeah, but Kendrix is at home." Explained Maya.

Leo realized something. "Did you say Rail Ranger."

"Yes sir." Dillon said. "Do you have any information about us."

"Yeah, in a way. My son is your red ranger."

"Great! We came looking for him."

"Ok then, let's all go to my place."

The six of them all walked to Leo's house, which was an enormous tree house. They waked in and was greeted by Kendrix.

"Dillon and Layla, this is my wife, Kendrix." Leo said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Nice to meet you two." Kendrix said.

Suddenly a teen boy walked into the room. And when he did, Dillon couldn't look away from him. The boy was so gorgeous.

Leo walked over to the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Dillon, Layla, this is Aaron. My son and your red ranger."

Aaron stepped forward and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you two."

Layla shook his hand and gestured to Dillon to do the same, but all Dillon could do was stare at Aaron's face. Layla had to bump Dillon to snap him out of his phase.

Dillon shook his hand and instantly felt his cheeks becoming red. He turned away so that Aaron couldn't see him blushing.

"Now that we're together, shouldn't we head back to Earth?" Asked Aaron.

"Great idea. Let's go." Said Layla

"Mom, dad, can I go to Earth with them?"

"Sure." Kendrix told him. "But be careful and have fun."

With that, the three teens boarded the rocket and launched away. Aaron waved bye to his parents and they waved back.

When they reached Earth, Layla and Aaron were at Layla's house working out a living arrangement with her father.

As Dillon was walking home, he could only think about Aaron. He continually thought about his smile and his entire facial features. He actually thinks he might be in love with his leader.

As he thought, everything went black and all that was heard was an alarm clock.

Dillon woke up from his dream and was conflicted.

"It was all a dream." Dillon told himself. "I don't even find him hot. I don't even like him."

A slight pause.

"Or do I?"

Dillon smacked his head for saying that. He couldn't possibly have feelings for Aaron after everything that went on with Aaron. But, then he started thinking.

"Well, he is smoking hot. But I just recently went through a breakup with TK. I'm not ready for another relationship just yet."

Dillon then went back to sleep, not caring what time it is.

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