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Saturday morning came along and it was not like the other Saturday's. Usually, Dillon would take care of Justin or spend time with family. But today, his dads took Justin to a playdate. And Matt, Karone, Chance, and Astronema went to the park. Now, Dillon was left home alone on a Saturday morning.

As Dillon was about to sit on the couch, he heard the front door open and then close. TK walked into the living room and sat next to his boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?" Dillon asked.

"I can't come and see my lover?"

"You can, but why did you?"

"I saw everyone else leave, so I thought I would come and see what you were doing."

"I'm mostly just going to sit here and watch TV. You can join if you want."


Dillon turned on the TV the couple watched some old sitcom. Dillon stared blankly at the screen, and TK frowned.

TK was a little upset that they didn't do something different. He loved Dillon with every bone in his body, but they've been doing the same thing for the past few months. Whenever they would get together, they would just watch TV. Nothing exciting happens anymore.

TK stood up and went to the kitchen. Dillon looked over to see what his boyfriend was doing, but couldn't clearly see him. TK returned moments later with a wooden basket.

"What's that for?" Dillon asked.

"I'm taking you on a picnic." TK said as he grabbed Dillon by the hand. "Let's go."

TK and Dillon walked all the way to a river that was by the park. TK spread out a blanket and Dillon set all the food. The pair enjoyed their time and soon went for a walk.

As the two strolled through the park, they watched how the breeze would move the flowers. The air was just cool enough to be comfortable. It was perfect, until a monster appeared.

The monster jumped in front of the two rangers. His head had four sides to it, and each side had a different emotion on it. He carried a staff in his left hand.

"Who are you?" Asked TK.

"I'm Emoticon." Stated the monster. "I was sent here by Heckyl to cause mischief. And it looks like I've stumbled across the green and blue Rail Rangers. I can only guess how much fun I have in store for you two."

Dillon and TK morphed and attacked Emoticon. So far, they were doing good, but their luck ended when they were blasted with Emoticon's staff.

As soon as Dillon and TK were hit, they immediately turned to each other and fought one another. Emoticon stood by and laughed at what he had done. He had made the couple angry at each other and made them fight.

TK threw Dillon to the ground and pulled out his sword. He held the weapon to Dillon's throat and almost swung. Dillon grabbed the sword and flung TK next to him.

When the two stood up, they stood in fighting positions. Neither one moved.

"Come on. Fight me." TK said.

"No. You fight me." Said Dillon.

"Is a certain green wimp scared to fight?"

"I'm not scared of anything."

"You were scared of that nightmare you had the other night."

"I told you that in confidence. You said you would never talk about that."

"Well, I just talked about it. What are you going to do about it? You'll probably go cry to your daddies. And after you do, you'll just watch TV. I don't know what I saw in you to make my want to date you."

With that, Dillon attacked TK with everything that he has. During the fight, the other Rail Rangers appeared.

Chance and Aurora tried to handle the couple, and the others fought Emoticon. When Emoticon was defeated, Dillon and TK went back to normal.

When Dillon and TK snapped out of the spell, they stared at each other. Both had a sad look on their face. Dillon had a tear running down his face.

TK walked over to him, but Dillon turned away. As TK placed a hand on Dillon's back, Dillon pushed it off.

"What's wrong?" TK asked. "Why are you crying?"

"It's because of you." Dillon said while his voice cracked.

TK became shocked. "Why?"

"It's because of what you said to me."

"Dillon, I was under a spell. I couldn't control what I was saying."

Layla stepped up. "TK, you need to know something. While the others and I were fighting Emoticon, I scanned Emoticon's data. Turns out, Emoticon's power is to make people express how they really feel."

Dillon faced the group with more tears on his face. "So you did mean what you said."

TK looked down. "I'm so sorry."

"I don't think I can do this anymore."

"What do you mean?" TK asked while looking up.

"I mean you and I. I'm breaking up with you." Stated Dillon as he walked off.

Dillon felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, but felt relieved to know how TK felt about him. He didn't look back, he just kept walking until he reached home.

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