Chapter 1

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I woke up in a haze. Confused as to whose ceiling I was looking at. Becoming more aware of my personal state of being, I sat up. The sheet that was draped over my bare body fell to my side as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Slowly I scanned the room as to any clues to where I am. The only evidence is a young snoring man to my right. I cringe as I gather my thoughts of last night. I was drunk, alone, and clearly desperate enough to go home with that. I stare at the man for a few moments before quietly getting up. I am completely naked other than my bra and I can't find my clothes. As I shuffle through the rather empty room for my clothes, the man stirs. 

"What're you doin?" He says with a heavy New York accent. I see his face more clearly, and he is not that young. He has a short dark beard, greasy black hair, and a chest that is covered in even more hair! He stares at me as I ruffle through a single pile of clothes in the corner of his empty room.

"Looking for my clothes," I mutter not even caring that I am naked in front of a stranger, because he is nothing. I turn around to find him staring at my lady bits. I roll my eyes at the bluntness of this man. He coughs and points to the door, for a second I think he is just telling me to leave, then he speaks.

"They're in the livin' room, careful my roommate could be out there, you can wear my shirt," He says then lies back down on his rather small bed. I roll my eyes not caring because I will never see these guys again. Leaving his shirts on the floor I walk out of his room and shut the door behind me. Immediately I spot my jeans and blouse on the floor, along with my underwear and purse next to the couch. I snatch my underwear and slide them on quickly. I hear a light cough come from behind me and I suspect it's the guy I slept with, just creeping like the creep he seems to be. Although he did care enough to offer his shirt. I dismiss the thought and turn around to meet a pair of the greenest eyes genetics can make. The guy is leaning on the wall and I can't help as I stare at him. His arms are crossed in front of him and I can sense he is uncomfortable as I am half naked in front of him.

"Sorry I..." I begin but I don't know what I am apologizing for.

"Oh it's okay, I'm used to it, sorry staring." He says quietly, coughs a fake cough, and turns to head back into the hall way. I stand there stunned as I recall his curly hair that flopped over his forehead, the green eyes that were to embarrassed to look me in mine, and his tall stature and all. I shake my head at my imagination and proceed with getting myself dressed and out.

Once I am dressed I grab my purse and find my boots, slip them on, and skip out the door. I am greeted by a brick narrow hallway, and I spot the elevator at the end of it. Walking towards the elevator I dig in my purse for my phone and a cigarette. I get that it's a dirty habit and no one wants a smoker, but I don't care even if it kills me (which is kind of the point). I switch my phone on and slide it open but of course no one called or texts. I only have one friend who lives all the way in Chicago. Diana and I have been friends since we started college, we continued to talk after I left for New York, and she is coming to stay here for a week in August.

I light my cigarette as I stand in the empty, rather filthy lobby. There is a sign that says no smoking and I smile and flick the sign before walking out. My phone rings in my purse a very monotone classic ring tone that I havn't bothered to change in the year that I had the damned thing. I take the cigarette in my lips and dig back in my purse for my phone. The caller ID reads a number that I don't recognize. I answer it anyways sliding the arrow. Taking my cigarette from my mouth, exhaling, and placing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say in a sweet voice. I look at the street that I am on and I know exactly where I am. Not many people flood the streets just yet and I hope to make it back home before life gets too busy in New York.

"Hi is this Rosa Kosta?" A woman's voice speaks lightly.

"Why yes it is, may I ask whose calling?" I say as professionally as I can manage before taking another drag of my cancer stick, then flicking it on the ground.

"Hi Ms. Kosta, this is Linda Marks from NYU calling about your application for a teaching position, and I'd like to inform you that you intrigue us very greatly, and we'd like to offer you an interview if you are still interested?" She says the words and I almost pass out with happiness.

"Oh this is amazing news!" I can't contain my glee, I do a weird skip/jump on the side walk and no one seems to pay attention. I jump a few more times out of excitement. "Yes I would love to accept an interview!" I say as I start home. She gives me the details for the interview and our conversation is over within minutes. I tuck my phone away and smile the rest of the walk home.

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