Chapter 14

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The cab ride home is silent as well. I sit between Harry and Kristen. All my flowers are in the trunk and Kristen is carrying a bag of my things. When the cab stops in front of my apartment I feel good to be back on familiar grounds. Harry slips the cab driver some money before helping me out of the cab. He hands me over to Kristen who helps me into the building while Harry gathers all of my flowers. I feel like a helpless child, and I absolutely hate it. 

When we are up stairs everything looks the same as it did when I left for a walk on Thursday night. I slowly make my way to the couch and gently sit down. 

"No new decorations?" I ask harshly. Kristen shakes her head and places my bags down on by the door.

"I've been at the hospital with you," she answers ignoring my rough tone. Harry enters the room with the cab driver following him, they carry my flowers and set them down in my kitchen, Harry tips the guy and the man leaves my apartment without a look back. The last time Harry was in my apartment, I don't know what was going through is mind, but he left in a haste and I really want him to stay.

"Rosa you should really go get some rest," Kristen moves to stand next to the couch.

"What are you gonna play doctor now? Hand me my purse," I snap at her. 

"I can see your back to being a bitch, Here," She hands over my purse and I retrieve my pack of cigarettes and light up. I feel the nicotine flood my body and it almost feels foreign, the room dances slightly due to my nicotine high, but I quickly regain my balance.

"I should go," Harry says standing by the door awkwardly. I reach for the ash tray that is sitting on the table next to the couch and place my cigarette there. I stand and make my way over to Harry.

"Thank you," I say and place my arms around his neck. I wince in pain when he wraps his arms around me. He bends his neck slightly to be close to my ear and his breath sends chills through me.

"Be nice to your cousin," He looks at me before giving me a brief kiss on the lips. He turns and leaves. When I turn around Kristen is gathering my bag and heading for my room. She opens the door and disappears inside. Moments later she emerges and motions for me to get up.

"What?" I snap looking up at her. I recall what Harry said about being nice to her and I quickly recover. "I mean what?" I say softer.

"You need rest doctor's orders," She smiles her sweetest smile and it makes my head hurt. I walk past her and head into my room.  She follows me and helps me down onto the mattress. Once I am down she starts to fix my sheets and it is really hard to be nice to her when she is this annoying.

"Shit I forgot my purse, would you mind?" I ask her.

"Not at all, do you want something to drink?" She asks while standing by the door.

"Bourbon on the rocks?" I smile at her and she shakes her head.

"Oh dear, I'll get you some orange juice." She leaves and I suddenly want to listen to music but I don't have a record player in my room and I don't want Kristen carrying it because knowing her she will definitely drop it. She returns with my purse and a glass of orange juice. She helps me sit up so I can sip on the juice.

"Why are you being so nice to me and all?" I ask when I lay back down.

"Because someone hurt you bad, you are my big cousin and even though I havn't seen you in years and you shut me out, out of all people, and on top of it you're like a bitch to everyone besides Harry and Diana I still love you, oh and plus I'm always nice," She smiles and pops her foot up before leaving. I shake my head at her and dig in my purse for my phone. I pull it out and turn it on. I have 24 text messages and 31 missed calls. All- or most from Diana. 


*"ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!"*

There are at least 15 more just like it. I erase all the voice mails and messages and dial Diana's number. She answers after the first ring.

"Rosa what the fuck!?" She sounds angry.

"Hi," I squeak.

"What the fuck is going on? Where are you? Are you in trouble?" She keeps on going but I quickly cut her off.

"Yeah I'm fine, on Thursday some man was I guess gonna rape me or something, so I kicked him and he swept me and I hit my head pretty bad, the guy punched me or kicked me or something and left, he didn't get to rape me though or abduct me so that's a plus, and apparently I was knocked out all this time, and I just came home from the hospital," When I explain to her what happened it dawns on me the height of this situation.

"That is so fucked up! I was ready to get on a plane over there if you didn't call me back! I'm so happy you are okay Rose I don't know what-" She is cut off by her sobbing, I hear Adam in the background telling her it's alright.

"The last thing I heard was you screaming before you were cut off," She chokes out.

"Yeah when the guy yanked me by my hair I dropped my phone," I say the words like they are nothing.

"Arn't you scared? Even a little bit? You sound like this whole situation that you are in is like nothing!" Her voice is high pitched and I cringe at her sobbing.

"I mean when it was happening I was little scared, but when he left I couldn't move and I just thought to myself that it would be okay if I were to die right now," I speak quietly in an almost whisper.

"Did you want too?" She asks her voice slowly returning to normal.


"Did you want to die?" Her voice sounding weak.

"Yeah I did," I answer honestly, for a second I think she hung up but no, she is silent. "Diana?" I say after a moment.

"I have to go Rosa, I'm happy you are alive and well, I love you, and I'll call you later,"

"Okay b-" she hangs up before I can finish my goodbye. I lock my phone and reach to plug it in. I just stare at my blank white ceiling. I should paint my ceiling. Is the only thought I can manage. Soon I feel my eyes get heavy and I surrender to sleep.

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