Chapter 25

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We are tangled together in sheets, Harry is asleep, I am warm, but to damn comfortable to move. So I just lay with my fingers gently tangling in his hair, and quietly hum a lullaby. He stirs a little and I silence my humming. I hear a faint ringing of a telephone and I know it's Kristen trying to get a hold of me. It has to be well over midnight, she knows I left with Harry, and she needs to stop because I am okay. More than okay, I am experiencing the blissfulness that life has to offer me.

I drift in and out of sleep.

When I open my eyes next, something is missing. Harry is gone and the sheet is properly draped over my body, the sun shines through the small window to my right, illuminating the room. I sit up slowly and wrap the sheet around my bare body. I walk down the staircase and take each step with ease.

"Harry?" I call out, no response. I go into the kitchen and there is a note on the frige. 

Stay the day with me. I went out to go get food, see you in a bit.

My stomach gurgles at the thought of food. I go back into the living room to hunt down my phone. When I pull out my phone from purse, I have 22 missed calls, all from Kristen. I dial her number and she answers almost instantly.

"Rosa! What the actual fuck!" She shouts, I laugh because curse words sound so foriegn rolling off her tongue. 

"Chill I spent the night at Harry's," I say with humor.

"I didn't know where you went! I was scared that something had happened to you again but no one would find you this time! I called the cops! I went out looking for you! I-I didn't sleep! I-" She is cut off from her rant by hopeless sobs. 

"You called the cops?! Kristen I am a 23 year old adult! Not a 13 year old run away! I appreciate you looking after me, but I shouldn't have to tell you when or where I am going!" I shout. 

"Yes I'm sorry Rosa I just didn't want you to get hurt again," She sobs.

"Shut the fuck up! People get hurt all the fucking time! If god wanted me dead, I would have been dead a long ass time ago. Don't be surprised if I don't come home tonight either, I wouldn't want you to alarm the police!!" I snap at her hard then hang up because she is too infuriating to hold a conversation with. I shut my phone off and shove it back into my purse. 

I walk over to his entertainment center, I pull open a drawer, and it is stuffed with DVD's. I pull open another, and it is stuffed with a shit load of CD's. I still beat him by far, but this is quite an impressive collection. I walk over to his desk and pull out the drawer, there is nothing spacial, just a bunch of papers and his United Kingdom passport attached to his immigration papers. I shove the drawer back into the desk, and make my way over to the couch to wait for Harry. 

I am way too lazy to go rumaging for my clothes, so I just wrap the sheet tighter around myself, and lay down and eventually drift off.

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