Chapter 11

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When I pull through the doors, everyone is in their space. I immediately dive into lecture, taking no prisoners. I once again find myself searching for Harry's soft face. Time runs out and no one is here but me as I pack up. My phone rings startling me. I check the ID and its Diana.

"Hi," I answer casually.

"Hey chica! Haven't heard from you in days and wanted to check that you are alive," she says with her usual enthusiasm.

"I can assure you I am very much alive,"

"How is the new job?"

"It's really good! It's just... Never mind," I was going to tell her about Harry but nothing happened and its stupid.

"What?" She presses.

"I met a guy," I shy in.

"Details!" She demands.

"There really are none, we haven't done anything sexual, like we haven't even kissed. I don't even know if he's interested in me but I can't help but look for him specifically every time I come to class!" I run out of breath.

"Sounds like someone has a crush!" I roll my eyes at her.

"Whatever! How's Adam?" I change the subject to her and she's off.

"Oh he's great! He has been spending every night here and it's so great!" I tune her out because I can't shake Harry not showing up for class today. Do I have a crush on him? Yes, definitely! My subconscious answers. Aren't I a little too old for crushes? Never. 

"Rose you listening?" Diana huffs.

"Oh sorry D repeat that,"I recover.

"I said do you think Adam and I are taking this too fast?" She asks skeptical.

"Not at all! It's been like four months! You guys are perfect," I almost hear her smile on the other line. The rest of the conversation is light before I hang up. I walk across campus slowly to my next English class. I realize I am scanning the grass for Harry. I shake my head at my actions. Even through my next class I find my thoughts turning to Harry. What the fuck was his problem yesterday? Is that why he didn't show up today was because my scar and what Kristen said?

I decide to just walk home. I text Kristen to remind her to be home. There are a bunch of people on the streets today. I get bumped a few times by professional woman in pant suits. I read Kristen's text reassuring me she's home. When I look up I see Harry standing in front of a bakery.

"Harry!" I shout and make my way over to him. He looks at me and then back at the display case. "Wedding cake?" I tease at him for staring at the fake wedding cake displays. "Why weren't you in class today?" I ask. For some reason my mood has lifted and I know why.

"I just didn't feel so good," he says and I know he's lying. I give him a look and he shrugs. "I know you," he says throwing me off.

"What?" I say and smile confused.

"You're a fucked up girl who shuts everyone out until that perfect guy comes along to tell you it's okay and that you are loved, but that guy is not me so I am just warning you," I am taken back by his harsh words but then I realize I can do 10X worse.

"I never said you would be that guy! Don't fucking assume shit because there are already enough people who do that! I don't shut everyone out, just the ones that hurt too much to be reminded of, and how dare you tell me how fucked I am. You don't know me at all!" I raise my voice slightly more than intended, but I don't raise any heads. He has a small smirk on his face.

"Want to go get something to eat?" He offers. He's almost as psychotic as I am!

"I'd love too!" I say my tone consistent to my speech. He chuckles and turns to start down the sidewalk. I follow him. He keeps a quick pace and for a second I think he is angry, till he turns his head and a small smile dances on his lips. He is a strange guy, but then again I am a strange girl.

"Where would you like to go eat?" He asks.

"Wherever's cheap?" I suggest. He grabs my hand and for once in my life my stomach flutters. He keeps a loose grip and doesn't look my way and I can tell he's unsure. I give his hand a light squeeze and I can see him smiling as he looks ahead. For a moment I let my thoughts wonder, I wonder what it would be like to just have this. I wonder what it would be like to have my mom love me and my dad live. I wonder what it would be like to love someone, anyone. I also can't help but to wonder what it would be like to have Harry's mouth on mine.

"We are here," he says dropping my hand. I frown that he has let me go but quickly follow him inside. The setting is dim and there are no more than three people in here. When I turn Harry is speaking to the hostess in a low voice that I can't make out his words. She just nods and leads us through the small restaurant. When we are seated away from the three people Harry looks like he wants to say something but he doesn't.

"What are you thinking?" I ask calmly as I pull my chair into the table.

"Just how I'm sorry for what I said earlier and yesterday, it's just you're so different from all the other girls that I have liked and I want to figure you out," he says scanning his menu. My stomach flutters once more at his words. He likes me?

"It's okay, different how?" I ask trying to press to see if that's a good or a bad thing.

"Like you are definitely not the shy type, I assume you have a uh difficult past, from Kristen's words the night she got plastered, and the way you er carry yourself is whole lot different from the girls I'm used to chasing that's all," I feel giddy all of a sudden and I can't seem to wipe my stupid grin from my face,"

"Is that a good thing?" I ask.

*Harry's POV*

"Is that a good thing?" I can just hear her self doubt rolling off her tongue.

"Yeah I think so," I answer, I feel my cheeks heat, now she should know that I like her. Shit she is so difficult I don't even know if she feels the same, then again her eyes brightened when I claimed that it. She really is pretty, beautiful even. I shouldn't have asked about her scar and her shocked face when I did won't get out of my head. I shared so much with her the night of the party, yet she won't tell me a thing! The waitress returns to take our orders.

"I'll have just a plain cheeseburger," she orders softly. I can't take my eyes off her. The way she moves and speaks. She looks at me and I am snapped from my trance to order.

"I'll have the chicken fettuccini, thanks" we hand her our menus. How is it that this girl can be so graceful and book smart one second, then rough an street smart the next? It turns me on in ways I never thought possible. She smiles an awkward smile and I fight my urge to stare. I pick at the table cloth and I feel her eyes on me.

"So?" I ask trying to fill the silence.

"Isn't it funny how people say 'so?' To end the awkwardness but usually it just adds to it?" She places her fist under her chin and fidgets with a card advertising the drinks. She licks her lips and I feel heat rush through me.

"I guess that is sorta funny," I retaliate thinking of her words. Her phone rings and she holds a finger up to me.

"What?" She snaps, I feel bad for whoever is on the other line. "I went to go get food...None of your fucking business...Just keep the door unlocked then or some shit...stop trying to act like a fucking adult, you're a child...No and you are being rude," She cuts her call and huffs clearly annoyed by, Kristen I assume. I raise my eyebrows at her.

"My cousin is an idiot," she says tossing the drink card to the side of the table. I shift slightly in and our knees bump under the table and my stomach leaps at our brief contact.

"What did she want?" I ask curious.

"Everything! She's a fucking princess, 'oh I went shopping today Rosie! I got you some things for your dreadful apartment Rosie! I hope you are eating Rosie! Who are you with Rosie? When are you coming home Rosie I want to go shopping!' God it's been what like two, three days and I already want her on the streets!" She rants imitating her cousins voice. I can't hold back my laughter at her. She snaps me a look and I cease my laughter in fear that I am next.

"She means well," I assume.

"I guess but she is so annoying! She comes in and flaunts that her dad has money and then she criticizes me and I hate it!" Her voice is strained and I reach across the table to put my hand over hers.

"It's okay Rosa, look here our food comes." I nod in the direction of the waitress carrying to steaming plates. God this woman is hot headed,but damn is she sexy. Her eyes light up to the sight of her food and she cools.

"Thank you," she looks up at me through her long lashes.

"No problem, eat up." I smile before digging into my food.

*Rosa's POV*

Harry is almost done with his food by the time I'm four bites in. This burger is bigger than my face and I don't know if I can manage the whole thing. We are both silent, to caught up in our meals. He likes me. I feel like a stupid teenager, but truth is I never felt this, not even when I was a teenager myself. The waitress returns with the check and a box. I dump the food in the box and insist that I get the check, but Harry snatches the folder before I do.

"You know I am a working woman," I say as he scans the check.

"That you are, but I too am I working man," He places his card in the black folder and holds onto it till the waitress returns to pick it up.

"And what exactly is it that you do?" I say feeling slightly flirty after a good meal.

"Anything from working part time at a coffee shop down the street from here, to working on old cars and cabs down at my old friend's garage," He smiles as he retrieves his card from the waitress. We stand and he holds his hand out for me to walk ahead. 

Once we are outside a cool breeze pushes loose tendrils of my hair from my face, and I suddenly feel cold.

"Fall is definitely around the corner, cold?" Harry shrugs off his jacket and hands it to me.

"Thank you," I pull the jacket around me. I notice he his a few tattoos through his white shirt, I can't seem to make them out completely but for some reason it makes my body heat knowing that they're there. We walk down the sidewalk heading for my building. He is carrying my box and work bag for me and I really don't want this to be over.

"You know Rosa I do like you, and I'm really sorry about what I said earlier and everything," He says once we are in front of my building.

"I like you too, and quit apologizing!" I smile at his confession. We stand in front of my doors for a moment, loss with words. He lets out an awkward laugh then quickly becomes serious. He is so attractive that I can't even control my actions as they unravel before me. I lunge forward grasping Harry's neck and pulling him towards me, before I know it my lips are pressed firmly against his. I can tell he is caught off guard but quickly softens and begins to move his lips to a rhythm that makes my insides stir. I let out a small moan and his tongue slips into my mouth dancing against mine. I forget that we are in public. I forget that Kristen is upstairs doing god knows what to my apartment. I forget all my problems in the world. It's only Harry and I, right now, right here.

I pull away but linger for a few more seconds before giving him one more gentle kiss. I hear his heavy breathing. His arms are wrapped firmly around my waist and it feels safe.

"That was nice," He hums, eyes still lightly shut. I give him a quick peck on the neck before nuzzling my head.

"I need to go," I whisper into his neck inhaling his captivating scent. He releases me with a wide grin plastered across his beautiful face. His bright eyes are twinkling with that rush of hormones. He hands me my bag and box and plants one more swift kiss on my lips before turning to head back down the sidewalk.

"I'll see you tomorrow Rosa Kosta!" He shouts and waves, then hurries to hail a cab.

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