Chapter 7

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"Just throw her on the couch," I say and when I said throw I meant it, but he gently lays her down. She stirs a little then turns on her stomach and continues to sleep.

"You want a drink?" I ask him. He just stands by the couch with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah sure," he follows me into the kitchen as I prepare him a little scotch.

"You like scotch right?" I turn to look at him and he just nods. "You are being awfully quiet compared to Mr. Chatter box on our walk," I turn to hand him his glass and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I should go," he says putting the glass on the counter and leaving me here alone with an almost full bottle if scotch. I hear the door shut and I just nod to myself. I down my drink then his before reaching for the bottle. I take a swig from the bottle feeling buzzed from the alcohol. I sit in front of my record player and replay Rockin' Robin. I should kick Kristen out for what she almost said tonight, I should kick her out for what she did say tonight, but then again I do want to see how this will go to her being here. I know I am betraying myself by allowing it, but it's not like she did anything to hurt me on purpose. I start to chug the scotch and I begin to feel it. Soon the room begins to spin and I hear a pounding on the door. I think it's Harry coming back to fuck me like he should have stayed and done. I stand up and try to gain my balance. I stumble to get the door. When I open it I am disgusted to see the bitches face from 6C.

"What do you think you are doing playing that music so damn late at night! Unlike you, people have jobs and lives to look forward to in the morning! Are you drunk? Is that a woman! You are a damn dyke! I cannot believe a lesbian lives in my building!" She states appalled. I fucking hate this lady.

"Listen here Cathy," I slur placing emphasis on her name. "That is my fucking cousin you inadequate witch! Yeah so what if I am drunk? I am 23 god mother fucking years old! And how dare you fucking bang on my door like the ape you are and tell me what is what! What's wrong with lesbians? Your daughter is one! So butt the fuck outta my life before I snap your fucking wrinkly ass turkey neck!" I slam the door in her face and laugh but quickly open it once more. She is still standing there with a stupid look on her face. "And by the way! I am a fucking college professor! Not a fucking clerk at Johnson's drug store like yourself! And keep your homophobic opinions to yourself you bitch!" I slurp my drink. She opens her mouth but I slam the door in her face once more, lock it, and walk back to go in my room. I feel awfully proud of what I said to her, and I know if I wasn't trashed right now I would have said much more, but in all honesty I have zip energy. I lay on my mattress and sip my alcohol before I fall fast asleep.

I wake up in a pool of sweat, still a little drunk I stand up. Wobbling up I take the almost empty bottle of scotch and walk to put it back in the fridge. Kristen is still in the same position. I walk to shut off the record player that is no longer playing any music. I realize I am still wearing boots and all. I kick off my boots and walk back to my room for a blanket. Even if I am pissed as hell, I drape the thin blanket over my baby cousin. She is only 19, and I let that happen to her last night. She deserved it, my subconscious reminds me but I don't feel like awaking my bitch side. I go back into my bedroom and lazily pull off my jeans and I neatly hang my dad's flannel on a wire hanger. I pull my hair free from the hair tie. I must get a hair cut, but I can't seem to part with my wildly long mane. Soon I am fast asleep and all the events of last night are soon forgotten.

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