Chapter 15

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I awake to a loud crash. My pulse is beating like an engine, when my breathing calms I slowly sit up. When I finally make it to stand up, I head for the living room. The room is dark and I know it is late.

"Kristen? What the fuck?" I say leaning out of my room.

"Rosa? Go back to sleep!" 

"What the hell did you break?" I ask moving into the living room with caution.

"A lamp, I'm sorry! It was an accident," She defends.

"Hey, chill it was a fucking lamp not a new born baby. Just clean it up." 

"I can't, it's dark," 

"You are so stupid," I reach next to my new book case and twist the other lamp on. I squint as the light shines too bright in on my sensitive state.

"Oh thanks," She stands and moves to go get the broom. I see the shattered bulb and cracked lamp.

"We can still use the lamp, just need a new bulb," I yawn and sit down on the couch as Kristen rushes to sweep up the shattered glass.

"Oh god no! I will just buy you a new lamp!" Kristen scowls.

"Will you shut the fuck up with money? Okay it's great that you want to do all this shit! But frankly I don't give a shit if I have fancy couture and high class things! I get that you do but you can stress that shit in a month when you are out and on your own damn it!" My voice strains and I quickly suck in more air.

"Okay I'll just go get a new bulb," She throws her hands up in defeat.

"By the way, have you even started looking for an apartment?" I look at her and she looks away guiltily. 

"Not exactly, I mean how hard can it be to find one?" She looks at me and I feel my blood heat.

"You better start looking," I say and turn to go into the kitchen. Kristen follows with the full dustpan in her hand. I go in the fridge and quickly spot my almost empty bottle of scotch. When I pull it out Kristen looks at me wide eyed.

"What do you think you are doing?" She snatches it out of my hand before I can move.

"Drinking, I am stressed!" I shout and reach for the bottle but she pulls it back.

"You can't drink! You are on medication Rosa!" She looks angry and I can't help but to laugh. "What is so funny?" She deepens her eyebrows and I laugh harder.

"You look like an upset house wife, now give me that bottle fool," I laugh and snatch the bottle from her hands.  Before she can react I turn around, unscrew the bottle and chug the remainder of the brown burning liquid. 

"I can't believe you! You literally just got out of the hospital with strict instructions and now this!" She marches out of the kitchen and I laugh hard once more.

"Kristen chill the fuck out! Remember this isn't the first time I have been in such a fucked up state as this," I look at her and raise an eyebrow. She sighs and shakes her head before continuing to clean. I make my way over to my records and pull out a random record from the shelf. I place my vinyl of STRFKR on the player. When I set the needle a familiar tune plays from the box. I tap my feet and make my way to the couch. I plop myself down and wince.

"This is good, what is this?" Kristen calls from the kitchen.

"It's called Rawnald Gregory Erickson The Second by StarFucker," She joins me on the couch and we listen in silence. When the song ends Kristen looks at me with a weird gleam in her eye.

"You sure know your shit," She smiles.

"Yeah want to hear another?" She nods and I stand and take the vinyl of the player, I slip it back into the cover, and search for my old Interpool record. When the song is set, Rest My Chemistry plays out. 

"I thought you only listened to doo wop?" Kristen says as the song moans on.

"Do you see my collection? My taste is never ending eclectic!" I smile and admire my most prized possessions. 

"I didn't even know you liked music this much, or books!" She says tapping her foot to the rhythm of the music.

"I do." I don't want to like this moment with her, but I do. Soon the album ends and I shut off the record player.

"Now if you're done breaking my shit, I am going to go to bed." I say and twist off the lamp.

"Do you need help getting into bed?" She asks making her way over to me.

"No," I shut my door behind me and make my way to my mattress. I slowly get on my knees to get into bed. Once I am in I am out like a light.

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