Chapter 4

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*2 and a half months later*

It's my first day at work and I am nervous as hell. I know I shouldn't but I take a quick shot of straight Vodka in my kitchen before leaving the apartment. I contemplate calling Diana before I leave but I know shes working. I look at myself in the mirror once more. My hair is secured in a bun and my shirt is tucked into my pencil skirt. Now I look like a teacher! 

I gather my things off the couch, slip on my flats, and head out to hail a cab. I light a cigarette once I get outside, and for once I feel like I belong in these streets as one of the business women of New York. Even though I'm not dealing with business here, I look like it. I have been thinking about what I was going to say and do for my first day at teaching a college. I have a schedule of where and when I'm suppose to be each day and all. I have two classes a day and I am pumped out of my mind for them. I put out my cigarette when I finally get a cab to stop. Carefully placing it back into the pack of Newports, I climb into the back of the cab.

When we arrive at the campus I pay the man and exit the cab. I hastily walk to my first class even though I have five minutes and it's right there. When I pull the doors open to the large room I am pulled back by how many people are in here. There are at least 100. I unpack all my things on a table and suddenly I feel shy and I want to run away. When I unpack I scan the crowd of kids who are not much younger than I. After a few more minutes I decide to begin, I take a deep breath then find my voice,"

"Good morning! Welcome to, or welcome back to college ladies and gentlemen!" I say in a normal voice that seems to echo throughout the large room. The room is rather dim and I can't see all the faces at the top. I pause and scan once more. "Now I am Ms. Kosta, but I hate that title so if you need me it's Rosa," I say and give the crowd of people a polite smile. "Here I have your syllabuses that you will need to keep for the rest of the semester." I hand a stack to each row and quickly go over the grading scale that is required and the list of books and assignments.

"Now we will be reading a new novel every two weeks," I say and I hear a pang of groans come from my audience. "I know, I know! But hey it's not English without novels!" I remind them and a few faces light up from the group. "After we end a novel we are to hold a discussion upon that given novel and everyone in this room must at least attempt contribute at least once! Now this isn't high school so I won't hold it against you if you decline to participate in said discussion, but I would like everyone of you to at least speak up." I say and pace back and forth slowly as I explain. I check the clock that is above the big white board behind me and I have to be wrapping up in ten minutes.

"Any questions?" I say and immediately at least thirty hands shoot up and I am taken back. I call on a rather cute guy in the second row who is next to a few more guys that I presume are his friends.

"Are you single?" He asks and snickers with his buddy. I can't help my blush and smile and I thank god for the dim lighting.

"Yes I am, now are there any more class appropriate questions?" I say stressing the last part. A few of the guys hands go down and even a couple girls. I point to a young girl in the fourth row. She asks me a question that I answer efficiently. I check the time once more and turn back to the crowd of people.

"Alright, excellent first day ladies and gents! Now I'll see you all tomorrow and we will begin with Robinson Crusoe, Just get the listed copy of the 1853 version if you havn't and begin on the first fifty pages." I say lightly and everyone stands at their dismissal. I turn to pack up what I have set out. I have an hour before I have to run to make it to the next English class I teach at noon. When I finish packing a man towers behind me. He looks familiar and I can't seem to know where he is from.

"Hello," He speaks quietly. I am stunned by his green eyes and soft face.

"Uh, hello?" I say, I mentally kick myself for not greeting him a little nicer. He rubs the back of his neck and looks down.

"You don't remember me huh?" He eventually says. I knew I know him from somewhere and I just don't know where.

"I'm sorry I don't, what did you say your name was?" I ask even though he never said his name.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Harry, Harry Styles. I'm, well was Peter's roommate and as awkward as it sounds I caught you leaving once and it just so happens that you are my English professor two months later," He smiles a genuine smile and my eyes flutter at his dimples, I notice he has an accent and I wonder momentarily why he is here instead of England, or wherever he is from.

"Nice to formally meet you Harry," I extend my hand to him even though I don't remember anything he is talking about and I most certainly don't remember a Peter. He grips my hand and shakes it firmly. "I apologize to tell you that I don't remember a Peter but I feel like I remember you," I narrow my eyes at him in hope that he will explain further. Since two months ago I have had many drunk hookups and there is no hope in keeping track.

"You know Peter, lazy, short, rather hairy, and I have no idea why most woman choose to go home with him when he is a rather vile creature," He trails on about his ex roommate when it hits me who Peter is.

"Ah! Yes I remember you! You saw me half naked before I left!" I say a little too loud. I look at the room and it is empty besides Harry and I. When I look at Harry he is blushing and looking down.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that again." He says peeking up to look at me. I take my bag and start towards the door.

"What are you apologizing for?" I ask as he follows me out.

"For staring that day, I couldn't help myself, plus it doesn't help that you are actually quite good looking compared to most woman that pile of crust brings home," He says following me out in the day light. I feel the heat on my cheeks on his comment about me being good looking.

"Oh don't apologize, I barely remember it! Why'd you move out?" I say recalling to him saying was Peter's roommate. I reach into my bag and take out my pack of cigarettes. He doesn't seem to mind me lighting up, I offer him one and he gently declines.

"He's a dick! He's a slob, He doesn't know the first thing about being a good person, and I just couldn't take it so I found a small apartment down the street only a month ago and it's good because I am close to campus." He complains and even if I just met him I enjoy listening to this guy rant about a roommate that I don't really remember yet slept with. We walk down the sidewalk for a good ten minutes as I listen to him talk about school. This is his third year here, he is minoring in English/Literature, and is majoring in some fine arts bullshit that I don't care all to much about. It's nice to just talk and listen to someone for once informally. I mean I have Diana but I only see her ever so often and we only talk when something big is happening. So I soak in the moment with this stranger on this sidewalk.

He checks the time and lets out a big sigh.

"I have to run," He says when turning to me. "I really did enjoy talking to you today and I hope we get to talk ever more often, oh and there is one more thing, there is a party at uh Delta Sig tonight, and I know you're a teacher, but I uh also happen to know you are quite young and er pretty damn cool at that and everyone there is over 21 so it isn't like it's illegal or anything." I only graduated from a university a year ago and I am lucky enough to have gotten this job early on and as much of an animal I can be for a party I really shouldn't do anything to jeopardize it. "Just think about it please? I'll be there obviously and you are more than welcome." We say our goodbyes and I walk around contemplating Harry's offer along with where to grab a bite to eat before class starts.

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