Chapter 5

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After I am home I dance a little jig to celebrate my first day. I take my hair out of its tight bun and light a cigarette. I still contemplate Harry's offer. I am only 23 and most of these kids are my age if not older, if any one asks I could just lie and say I am a student, but then again I shouldn't.

I find myself showering after an hour of fighting with myself. Yes I will take him up on his offer, only because he is really fucking cute, and I really hope I get to get drunk. This might be one of my many stupid ideas but I don't care, it's not even on campus. When I get out of the shower I dry my long hair efficiently and dress in simple tight jeans and in one of my dads old red flannels that I roll the sleeves up on. I am wearing a tank top underneath and leave the flannel unbuttoned. I have a few black bracelets on that I always wear, and my mother's necklace that I never take off. I put my long hair in a pony tail and it only reaches to my mid back. I rummage to find a pair of hoop earrings that I put in. I put on my usual black combat boots that I have had since I was a junior in high school and they are plastered with mud and the outdoors but I wouldn't sell them for anything. I apply a generous amount of makeup that screams my name and stand to admire my work.

I pace the living room and contemplate if I should really do this or not. I feel almost stressed over this and so I reach for a cigarette. I plop down on my couch and suck on the filter when I hear a knock on the door. For a second I hope it's Harry to retrieve me fore the party, but I know better than that. Kid doesn't even know where I live let alone know if I am going or not. I open the door with my cigarette hanging from my mouth. I am surprised when I see Kristen, my cousin that I haven't seen in five years.

"Rosa!" She shrieks and pulls me into an embrace. I cringe and stiffen and she doesn't seem to notice.

"Kristen, what the fuck?" Is all I can manage. I walk over to the couch and put the butt in an ash tray.

"I have some terrible news, and some fabulous news! But first things first. You look terrible! And what is this dump?" She says referring to my home. I stand even with her height. She looks the same if not more plucked and manicured as before.

"We'll thanks, now what the hell do you want?" I know I am being cold, but I can't stand my family, or Kirsten's bullshit.

"Daddy and mom divorced about six months ago." She looks upset but not pained, she continues. "So daddy suggested I move here and while I'm at it see what's up with you, considering no one has seen let alone speak to you in forever!" She rants and I almost tune her out.

"How'd you find me?" I ask. I turn to check the time and its only five and I don't plan to leave for a few hours, even though I might leave early just to escape my ruthless cousin.

"Diana," she says calmly, she walks over to my pile of books and records. "Ugh this place is rancid, but it is so you," I hear her smile rather than see it. I roll my eyes at her insult that I choose to take a compliment.

"Where are you staying?" I ask her already knowing her answer.

"Here!" She says excitedly "I mean if that's okay with you, I know I should have warned you that I was coming but you would have just turned me down and I miss you!" She recovers.

I feel the heat on my ears. I don't even want her here right now! How dare she barge into my space and pull this shit on me!

"I mean only till I can find a place, I'm sorry Rosie really! I know how you feel towards your mom and the whole family but we used to be so close! Please I promise I won't be an annoyance!" She explains. My body heats quickly and i need a drink with the mention of my mother. I walk past my cousin and into the kitchen. I take out a bottle of scotch and give myself two solid gulps. Kristen remains in the living room with a sad look. I roll my eyes at her, I mean how bad could it be?

"Fine." I say joining her in the living room. She shrieks and jumps up and down clapping like a little kid. "But there are rules!" I say sternly. She sits down neatly on the couch and nods, ready to listen. "You can't be shrieking and pounding because my neighbors are dicks!" I point to the ceiling referring to Cathy in 6C. "Okay? And you sleep on the couch! If you want food, you buy it yourself unless you want to eat scotch and vodka while your here! You have one month to find a place before I find one for you no matter how shitty it may be! And the second you become a pain in my ass, you're out!" I know it's harsh, but I must stand my ground. She stands to meet me eye level, and she looks like she's about to cry.

"Oh Rosie! You have no idea how much I love you right now! I'm gonna bring my things up!" She smiles and reaches to hug me but I step back out of her reach. She nods and turns to exit my apartment. I sit on the couch and take my head in my hands. I take out another cigarette and cringe as if I'm in pain. I am in pain. I've got a pain in my ass and here she comes dragging in like seven bags.

"God, does every rich twig bitch have to carry around every thing they own when they travel?" I ask rhetorically throwing my head back.

"Yes," she gives me a dead pan look as she drags her bags in through the door. I finish my cigarette and help her carry it to the bathroom door in the living room.

"I never use this one but I'm sure there is toilet paper in there. It has a shower and all, I expect you to keep most of this shit in there,"I say referring to her 20 bags. I go over to my large pile of records and pull out a Bobby Day record. I place it on the record player that I have on a small table, I center the needle, and flick it on. Soon "Rockin' Robin" plays cheerfully out of the speakers. I smile at the familiar whistling of the song.

"Ugh I haven't heard this song since I was a little girl!" I hear Kristen shout from the bathroom. I sit cross legged on the floor and just blank out.

"So why do you look so nice?" Kristen pulls me out of my trance and I stand and turn off the record player.

"I'm going out tonight, wanna come?" I say and immediately regret my offer. Her wide grin shows that I can't take it back.

"Oh yes! Where to? What should I wear? I have like the perfect outfit! Will there be hot guys? First night in New York and I'm already hitting the town with my big cousin!" She continues her excited rant all the way into the bathroom. I groan knowing that I agreed to this for the entire month.

After what seems like an hour she emerges from the bathroom completely dolled up. What a fucking diva! I roll my eyes at her then go in my bathroom to touch up and brush my teeth one last time. When I come back Kristen's blonde hair is set in smooth short waves and she has a stupid smile plastered across her face.

"Ready?" She says excitedly. I nod and we exit the apartment.

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