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Katniss' POV

Screams of people I couldn't help are going off in my head. Its the worse song anyone could listen to. I just want some other noise going off instead of these screams. Then I hear it. I hear keys? And foot steps? I get up from the dirty couch and run to the window. I open the curtains slowly and see a person. Why would anyone want to go back in the ruins of district 12?

I see the back of the person. Looks like a man. He has dirty blonde hair. He is pretty muscular. He is tall. He is....

Peeta Mellark

Peeta? What is he doing here? Why is he here? I thought he moved away after the war. Why is Peeta Mellark here?!

Then I see the door shut behind him. I just saw Peeta Mellark. Well at least I think I saw him. I've been seeing everyone who is out of my life now. But seeing Peeta almost seems real. He, I'm sure, isn't fixed. And I'm still broken. Part of me being broken is because of Peeta. And with him being here will not make me any better.

Then I look out the window again and see Peeta walking out his house. It looks like he is coming toward me. No! I don't want him here. Peeta has to leave! I quickly close the curtain so Peeta won't notice me. I be as quiet as I possibly can be. If he knocks on the door, I won't answer. Then he knocks.

I freeze. Feeling like he can hear me breath.

"Katniss?" Peeta says on the other side of the door. I don't reply.

"Katniss. I know your in there" Peeta says. How could he possibly know? "I saw you through the window"

Of course he did, but I still don't answer him.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here" Peeta begins "well, my complete mutting has stopped. I do have episodes but it's not as bad. But I'm here because, I need to know something. There has been a question roaming my head for two years. And I want to say it to you in person. Not behind a door"

For some reason, I want to hear this question Peeta has to ask me. But do I open the door?

"Ok then" Peeta says. Then I look through the hole in the door to find him bending down. What is he doing? He then gets back up and walks away.

I step away from the door. Being able to breath again. I look down and find a slip of paper on the ground. It looks like the slip of paper Effie pulled every year for the reaping. I pick it up and open it. It says....

Peeta Mellark and Primrose Everdeen

What?! Why would Peeta have the same slip if paper as the 74th games?! But now I wonder, what is the question?

I run back to the window, being careful of what he sees, and watch Peeta walk back home and close the door.

Peeta Mellark, the boy with the bread, who survived the hunger games and a war, who is now in the old ruins of district 12, handing me a slip if paper with two very important names on it, who hasn't talked to me in two years, needs to ask me something?

I want to know the question and what the slip of paper has to do with anything. I want to run to his house and bang in the door until he opens it. No! I don't want to do that. I can't do that. The best idea I have come up with, is locking myself in my room and waiting there to die.

Then I run to my room.

I pace on the floor, with nightmares attacking me. All the people who died, all the hijacking moments with Peeta. Whats become with the girl on fire?

I don't sleep that night. Instead I replay memories. Most of them aren't good memories. But it's all I have left.

Peeta yesterday came over to my house around 1:00 today he comes around 1:00. Maybe he will keep coming until I answer the door. Well I guess he is going to come forever because I'm but answering that door.

The next morning is a complete wreck for me. I didn't sleep that night, let alone this whole week. I haven't eaten in a while and I'm weak. I can't do anything. I'm physically and emotionally weak. Should I just stay in this ikd couch and let life take me? My answer is yes.

Peeta comes around 1:00. But I still don't do anything. I just sit on the couch hearing him speak to me. But I can't process much of what he says. I think life is trying to take me now.

The whole day passes and I feel more pain inching it's way through my whole body. Its 1:00 now. I think. I hear knocking on the window this time and not the door. I turn my head and I almost collapse. Before the light goes out, I see Peeta screaming. Then the lights turn off.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey everyone sorry it took me forever to write this chapter, but I've been with family the past few weeks. Also sorry for the short chapter. Thanks for reading! PLEASE VOTE AND SHARE!!!!! Everlark_Katniss

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