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Pregnant? Me? What am I going to say to Peeta? I can't bring a child into this world now. After all I've been going through.

"Katniss? Is everything okay?" Peeta asks me after I hang up the phone

I don't say anything to him. I just stare at him and once again he asks...

"Is everything okay?"

I run upstairs. Not bothering to wait for Peeta or to even look back.

I run into Peeta's room and slam the door behind. I lay on his bed, sobbing into his warm pillow making it wet. That's when Peeta comes in.

"Katniss. What's wrong?" He asks, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"The phone call I got was..." I trail off, feeling the tears fall from my eyes.

"Katniss its okay. You can tell me" Peeta states.

I don't know why I find it so hard to not be able to tell Peeta. I mean he is the father. He should know. I just don't know what is reaction will be.

"Katniss?" Peeta looks at me. I don't look at him.

"The phone call was from Ms. Eckles" I say

"That's great! What did she say?" He asks me

I finally face Peeta. I sit next to him and look him straight into the.

"I'm pregnant Peeta" I say, with that, I run downstairs and out the door.


Katniss is pregnant. I'm going to be a father? Why would she have tears over this? This is great news. I finally get what I've wanted for years.

I run downstairs and look for Katniss. She's not in the house.

"Yo!" Johanna yells "outside lover boy"

I nod my head and run outside.

I see Katniss. In front of her burned down house. Crying. I run up to her and wrap my arms around her. I can feel her quiver and sob uncontrollably.

"Katniss" I say. She looks up at me.

"I'm not mad or upset. I love the idea we're going to be parents" I say, sitting down next to her.

"You are?" Katniss asks me looking at me.

"Of course I am" I reply.

Then, we say nothing for a while. We just sit on the dirt by her house and I hold her in my arms. She then breaks the silence.

"Peeta?" Katniss asks

"Yes?" I say

"Do you know why I was upset?" She asks me, wiping tears from her eyes.

"No. Why?" I ask

"Because of the shit we're going through now. What if the baby is just as messed up as we are?" She asks me

"Don't say that. The baby will be fine. It won't experience what we experienced." I calm her.

"We're not fit to be parents. Well at least I'm not" Katniss tells me.

"Yes you are. Your going to fine. Everything will be fine" I tell Katniss.

"Would I be a bad person if I didn't want the baby?" She asks.

Just then I feel a pain in my stomach. Sure we just found out she was pregnant, but that doesn't mean she has to get rid of the baby.

"Are you actually thinking about getting rid of it?" I ask, hoping the answer is no.

"To be honest Peeta. Yes I am" she answers


I tell Peeta I don't want the baby. Part of me says I'm not ready. But the other part tells me I am.

"Do you want the baby?" I ask Peeta. Getting his thoughts.

"I do Katniss. Its all I've ever wanted. A family with the person I love most" Peeta replies.

I want a child. Just not now. Not when everything is going wrong. What do I do? Maybe I can get opinions from everyone else.

"Are you ready to go back inside and tell everyone?" Peeta asks I nod.

We stand up and just as we're turning around, we see Effie, Johanna and Haymitch.

"How much of that did you hear?" I ask.

"Enough to know your pregnant" Effie says.

"And we all believe you should keep the baby" Effie adds.

"But what if I'm not ready?" katniss says

"Don't say that. Your ready to become a mother. If you weren't, we wouldn't have done what we did. Trust me" Peeta says.

I know he's right. I can put my trust in him. And if he says to trust him, then that's what I should do.

I give Peeta a weary look and say

"Peeta, I want the child"

With that he gives me the brightest look I've seen in years.

I just hope I made a good decision.


But in the next chapter it is 5 months forward. So don't get confused. Thanks for reading!


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