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Peeta Mellark is standing in my doorway. He has been crying, I can tell.

"Well I'm here" he says. I'm too shocked and relived to say anything.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" He asks, hoping I will. But I dont just yet. Him being here has made me realize one thing

"At least do something Katniss" He says, almost loosing hope.

The thing he made me realize was...

I love him and I can never let him go.

Instead of saying anything, I kiss him right on the lips. I haven't done this in forever. His lips are the perfect shape and they fit just perfectly where I like them to be. He is perfect in every way and being able to kiss him again, makes me the happiest person alive. But my smile soon fades when he pulls away.

"Katniss, I can't do this" he says

"I'm sorry I-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"If I'm going to kiss the love of my life, I'm going to do it right" He says.

At first I'm confused by what he means to say, but I soon get it.

He drops his things on the floor, closes the door and holds my face in both of his hands.

"I love you Katniss Everdeen" He says. After that, he kisses me full on the mouth. This time, I'm not shocked that Peeta and I are kissing once again. This time almost seems memorable. I want live in this moment forever. I can live in this moment forever.

He pulls away, but not too far, and smiles. He then says

"You love me real or not real?"

"Real" I tell him. He then smiles and picks me up and we go to the couch.


I wake up, not in my bed, but on the couch, right next to the person who I'm sure to love. He looks at me, his big blue eyes, his beautiful smile. He is truly handsome. I don't how I could think any other way before.

When he came home last night, and we kissed, its like fire was catching. We hadn't kissed since the war. I missed feeling his lips pressed up against mine. His body pressure on me. It feels so memorable. And I just crave for more.

Peeta gets up and walks to the kitchen.

"I'm making breakfast. Would you like some?" Peeta asks

"No thanks, I'm but hungry" I reply.

"When was the last time you ate?" Peeta asks

Honestly, I have no clue. Its been forever since I ate. I look at my body and realize how skinny I look.

"I'm going to make you breakfast" Peeta says. After that, I know there will be no changing his mind.

He makes me toast with butter, berries, and cinnamon on it. It looks and smells so good.

Once he hands it to me, I dont take the time, to slow down. I shove it into my mouth. I forgot how great food tastes.

After breakfast, I decide to take a shower.

I go upstairs, grab new clothes and run to the bathroom to start the warm water. Once I'm in the shower, I can't help but think. Is this really the best choice? Is being with Peeta going to make things better? I shake my head to get rid of the thought. Being with Peeta has made me realize, that we can become our old selves again. That we can go back to being the 'star-crossed lovers from District 12' its all I've wanted for the longest time.

Once I'm finished with my shower, I just sit and let the warm water fall on my back. Its reaxling to me, not having to worry about anything.

Not to much time passes when the shower curtain opens and Peeta walks into the shower with me. He rinses off, while I don't move a muscle. Once he's done, he picks me up so I am facing him. He kisses me lightly on my forehead, then he moves to the tip of my nose. Not lightly, but compassionately, he kisses me on my lips.

With the water pouring down, it almost seems like we're in a movie. Lovers who share the same thoughts. Thats what it feels like right now.

How I've missed this. Peeta and I kissing. Almost seems like forever to me. But with two years not being able to kiss Peeta, this is what I call special.

After being in the shower forever, Peeta gets outs, puts a lowel over his lower body and hands me my robe.

After the shower, Peeta and I head back to my room and change. He holds my hand as we lay on my bed together. Our fingers keep getting caught with each other. How I've missed this so much.

He then turns to me and says


"Yes Peeta?" I say turning to face him.

"Can we go back to being normal?" He asks

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused

"I'm mean, can we go back to when life was normal? When we didn't have to worry about anything. Where you and I can just be a normal couple?" Peeta says, almost tearing up.

"What's all this normal coming from?" I ask

"Well, the war is over. I haven't mutted a lot. I just want things to go back to...normal" he says

"Oh" I say "yes. Of course we can go back to having things be normal" I say

"Thank you. I just want to start fresh. With you" he says.

He then kisses me lightly on the lips. I'm now used to it. I can feel Peeta wanting to kiss me over and over again. And I like to feel it.


I kiss Katniss once again. She is like a drug. Once you have one, you can never leave it. Katniss is my drug. Once I get a kiss, all I want is for more. I've missed Katniss. She is my everything. And with us trying to go back to the way things were before, it can only make me happier. I love Katniss so much, and that will never change.


We've been kissing for a while now. He is so passionate and I just love it.

He soon pulls away. I look at him with a confused look and wondering what he is doing. But, instead of stopping, Peeta takes the bottom of my shirt and lift it over my head. I now realize what he is doing because I then start to pull off his shirt.

"I love you" Peeta says. It is so nice to hear that once again.

"I love you too" I say. He then kisses me.

AUTHORS NOTE:YAY! EVERLARK! Tbh: I wasn't going to have them kiss until later in the book, but I thought now was the right time.....so YOUR WELCOME! 😂😊


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