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Peeta is unhealthy and needs saving. I'm the only one who can save him. "Katniss!" Peeta screams I can't stop the pain that is being brought to him."Katniss don't let them take me" he screams "I won't! I'll find you!" I scream back "Katniss!"

I then wake up with my heart beating 100 times faster.

"Yo, meathead where here" Johanna says, getting off there train.

I get off the train as well and see the Capitol for the first time in two years. It has no Capitol people, anymore. It has sick patients?

Johanna and I look around the Capitol and notice that the buildings are not what they used to be. The Capitol just looks like another District, but nicer.

We walk all the way to Snow's old mansion. Snow. The deadliest snow I've ever encountered. He still roams the streets of Panem. He might have died, but his spirit lives on.

"Katniss" Johanna says, pulling me back to reality "We're here"

Then peacekeepers ,the ones who actually keep the peace, open the doors and greets us inside. Johanna and I wait about ten minutes before President Paylor walks in.

"Katniss Everdeen and Johanna Mason" Paylor greets us.

"President Pylor, I'm looking for Peeta" I say

"Well I didn't think you were coming here to see me" she says "this way Katniss"

She then shows me to where Peeta is at. He is in Snow's old greenhouse. She then shuts the door, leaving Peeta and I alone.

"Why are you here?" Peeta says, not even bothering to turn around

"I came after you" I say

"Why?" He asks

"Because I need you in my twisted world. You need to fix my world" I say. He then turns around

"Katniss, your world is better off without me. All I do is tare you down." Peeta says, on the verge of crying.

"You tare me down? Then why have I been doing things ever since you came here? Before you came back, I was a walking skeleton Peeta. I've actually gotten up from that couch full of shit ever since you came here. So if your just going to keep telling me that you tare down my world, it's no use" I say, also on the verge of crying

"Katniss, you may say its not true, but it is" Peeta says

"Fine... I don't care anymore. If you say it's not true, well then I guess it's not" I say. With that, I leave.

I storm out of the greenhouse and enter the lobby.

"Johanna let's go" I say when passing her.

"Yes Sir" she says sarcastically

We walk out of Snow's old mansion, witch is now Paylor's mansion and we get on the train. I left Peeta behind. I would have never done that.


We arrive in District 7.

"Well meathead I'm gonna miss you" Johanna says

"I'm going to miss you too Johanna" I say back

"Remember, just call me whenever you need to. I'll be right over" She says

"Okay...meathead" I say

"Hey, calling people meathead is my thing" Johanna says, then walks away


I'm finally back home. District 12. Peeta may not be here, but I am and I can do things on my own.

I get off the train and walk to my house. The door is wide open.

I walk in a sit on the couch, thinking of what I'd be doing if Peeta was here. He'd probably help me into the tub. But right now, I'm not in the mood. Why did I have to leave Peeta behind. Oh how I miss him.


Katniss left. She left angry and confused. Did I make her that way? Its all I've been thinking abut for the past four days now. I walk out of my room, and to the lobby.

"Peeta, I thought you were asleep" Paylor says.

"Is there a way for me to win back Katniss. She is my everything" I say, trying to sound like a concerned friend and not a lover

"There will be no winning her back. She is not a prize. But there is a way to see her" Paylor says

"Yes?" I say, hoping what she'll say is useful.

"Go to her" she says.

That's it! Go to her! Go to Katniss. I can just go home. I just hope, I don't mutt and loose her. But anything is a good choice if it means seeing Katniss again. Or maybe more will happen.

I then say thank you to Paylor and I run upstairs to pack. Katniss... I'm coming


Well, Peeta is gone, and is not coming back. So what do I do now? Cry and scream? I've been doing that the past two years. It got better when Peeta was here. Why didn't he just listen to me?

I then cry. Peeta is not coming back and I have to except that. The only problem is... I don't want to except that. I can't. I need Peeta to fill in the black hole in my heart. It was gone when he was here. But now he's gone and the hole is black.

I then think of the times I had with Peeta. The moment when Effie pulled out the slip of paper with Peeta's name on it. Him walking to the stage and shaking my hand. Peeta throwing me the burnt bread. Him and I eating lunch together durning training. Our kisses in the arena. Me, trying to save him from the Capitol. Our "real or not real?" And "always" I miss you Peeta. I really do. I'm broken without him.


I hear knocking at the door. No one ever comes to visit me. Who could it be? I walk towards the window and see someone who I thought was gone forever.

I open the door and see him standing there. Eyes tearing up.

"Katniss" He says

"Peeta" I say

AURTHORS NOTE: YAYA!! ANOTHER CHAPTER! There is going to be a lot going on in the next chapter so pay attention. THANJS FOR READING! PLEASE VOTE/SHARE/COMMENT. Everlark_Kantiss

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