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I wake with Peeta looking into my eyes.

"Are you ready to see your healthy baby?" He asks me. I nod my head.

He helps me out of bed and we walk downstairs. There, I see Effie holding Rue.

I walk over to her and hold my baby girl.

"Hi Rue" I say, and she smiles "I'm your mommy. Don't worry sweetie, your safe from any harm that is to come your way"

For the first time, I feel like there is no worry in this world. I feel like a normal person for once. All my worries are gone and its like they vanished. I can see what's it like for people who has never had a worry. It must be nice. I now know that I am safe from everything.

"Let's go. I have a surprise for you" Peeta says as he takes my hand.

We walk outside, with Rue, and Peeta leads us into the woods.

Its the only part of District 12 the Capitol left alone. Although, there are a couple places burned.

Then I see where he takes me.

Its the meadow.

"Peeta. What are we doing here?" I ask, looking at the primrose that lays on top of the hill.

"Well, I figured Rue would like to see her mommy's favorite place" Peeta says

I laugh. We walk to the meadow and sit by the willow tree. Its so beautiful. The sky is blue and there are no worries. I set Rue down on the bed of gras next to me.

Then I sing to her.

"Deep in the meadow. Under the willow. A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes and when they open, the sun will rise.

Here its safe. Here its warm. Here the Daisy's guard you from every harm. Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow berings them true. Here is the place where we love you"

"I thought the line was I and not we?" Peeta says, looking confused.

"It is. But we are parents now. We love Rue" I say. He gives me a smile.

For the rest of the day, we stay in the meadow. Laughing, singing. Its all I've ever wanted. Since the games, things have been different. I have been different. Sure I still acted stubborn and I was a little bitch sometimes, but inside I knew what really mattered.

I have always put others before me. Going in for Tessera. Putting my name in more times then it needed to be. But I did it for food and to keep Prim alive. I went into the games for Prim. Putting others before me was something I never forgot to do.

The wars and games has tought me who I know I have to be.

Caring for others is what I do. I'm going to continue. I have Rue now and I need to care for her.

"Peeta" I say

"Yes Katniss" he says back

"I love you" I say

"I love you to" Peeta says. Then I close my eyes.


I'm holding the two mist special girls in the world. Rue and Katniss.

How did I ever become so lucky as to be here right now? I'm so lucky Effie pulled my name for the games. If she hadn't, I wouldn't be here right now.

I love Katniss so much. I now have someone new I can love. Rue. Rue is a symbol of Katniss and my love. I'm so lucky I have these two beautiful girls to love.

"I love you Katniss" I whisper in her ear. Then, I close my eyes.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: OKAY! Only 2 more chapters left. The next chapter is going to be 5 years in the future. This chapter was short, but the next won't be.



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