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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just a heads up... I almost done with this book. There will be more chapters, but it is going to end soon. 😑 But I will be writing a new book after this called "Forbidden Love" Its with modern Fourtris😉 so I just thought you would like a heads up! Everlark_Katniss


I stare at the hovercraft taking away the love of my life. I have to save her.

"Where can I get a hovercraft?" I ask sharply at Haymitch.

"13" he replies.

"Good. Send one to me right now" I say

"Where do you plan on going?" He asks

"To Katniss" I say

"How do you know where she is going to be?" Johanna asks me, looking at me like I'm stupid.

"13 has advanced technology. He can always track the hovercraft she's in" Haymitch butts in.

"Alright. Can you send one here?" I ask Haymitch.

"Sure. I just got to make a phone call" He says

"Yeah, why don't you go do that" I snap.

Not to much times passes when I see a hovercraft fly above my head. It has a 13 on the side of it.

"That's it boy. Go get her" Haymitch says

"Wait!" Johanna stops me.

"What?" I say, trying to hurry.

"I'm coming with. And don't you dare say I'm not, because we both know who is going to win the argument" Johanna snaps as she climbs the ladder to the hovercraft.

We then fly off.

"So, what's your plan?" Johanna asks

"Obviously, I'm going to get Katniss" I say

"I know that meathead. I mean when you see her. You don't have weapons and you can be killed at any second" Johanna says

"Yeah. So what is your plan?" I hear a voice say. I turn around and see Flynn standing with his arms crossed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I wanted to come along?" Flynn replies.

"Your 14 Flynn. What the fuck were you thinking?" Johanna snaps.

"Your right. I'm 14. I got to start living my life. Take adventures" Flynn replies. Yep. He is definitely Finnick's younger brother.

"You could-" I then cut Johanna off.

"Johanna, just leave it alone. He's already here. There's no time to go back" I say annoyed with her attitude.

I'm coming for you Katniss.


I cry and scream, trying to break the hovercraft. Its to strong. Stupid Capitol.

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