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Katniss is now 8 months pregnant. She has a month to go. The due date is June 4th.

There has been more bombing in the Districts. They just finished bombing District 6.

Katniss has not been able to sleep because she is worried about her daughter Rue.

Everyone right now is thinking of a way to escape the bombing of District 12 when the time comes.

"Maybe we could go into the woods and hide off there" Effie suggests.

"No. No. The Capitol is going to be bombing the woods first" Haymitch says.

"How about we just let them bomb us?" Johanna says, not caring what we do. Everyone just stares at her.

"Maybe we could go to 13" Peeta says.

"No, we can't. If we move to 13, then the Capitol will bomb the living hell out of it" Haymitch says.

"But why?" I ask

"You don't get it sweetheart" Haymitch says "people from other Districts are already in 13. If we go there, that just means more Libes will be lost"

"What if we go to a different District?" I say

"What?" Haymitch asks, giving me a confused look.

"Yeah. What if we go to a different District that has already been bombed? We'll be safe there" I suggest

"You know what sweetheart. That's not a bad idea" Haymitch comments.

I smile.

"Okay. So who is up for another District?" Peeta says and everyone just stares at him. I laugh.

"What District are we going to?" I say, controlling my laugh.

"Well, one that has already been bombed. And one that is not a wealthy District. So possibly 3" Haymitch says.

"Okay. 3 it is" Effie says. We all smile, knowing we're going to be safe.

"Hold up meatheads" Johanna says "when will we go? We don't know what time there going to bomb us"

"Well, every month, they bomb a District. So after they bomb 11, we'll move to 3" Peeta says.

"Damn. Okay" Johanna says.

After the discussion we had, Peeta goes to the kitchen and makes us all lunch.

While he makes lunch, I start to feel Rue kicking again.

"Peeta. Come feel this" I say. Gesturing for him to feel the baby.

He places his hand on my big stomach and feels the baby kick his hand. I see a smile appear on his face.

"Hey there Rue" Peeta says, talking to the baby.

"I'm your daddy. And this is your mommy" He says, looking up at me.

Then, a smile appears on my face. The thought of me being a mommy, is actually a great feeling. Especially if Peeta is the daddy.

Then, Peeta walks back to finish making lunch.

Once Peeta finishes lunch, he hands it to all of us and we eat up.

He made delicious soup and broth. It is very good and I think Rue enjoys it too.

After we're all finishing up our food, Haymitch comes running down the stairs.

"What is it?" Effie asks

"The Capitol just bombed 7" He says.

"What?! It has sent even been a month. Its been a week.

"There speeding up the process. Apparently, to get us off track" He says.

"Off track? What do you mean off track?" I demand.

" I mean, there going to start bombing Districts, out of order. It will not be every month now. We have no clue when there going to bomb again. Or what District there going to bomb" Haymitch says

"Peeta. What will that mean for the baby?" I ask, grabbing Peeta's arm.

"I don't know. But we will figure it out" Peeta says.

"So Haymitch" I begin and turn to look at him "we have no clue about the bombings?"

"No sweetheart. Not anymore" Haymitch says.

I feel a pain in my stomach. And its not the baby kicking. Its the pain that I've felt so long.

What will happen yo my loved ones? The Capitol can bomb any District even if they already bombed it. What we do? How will Peeta and I protect this baby?

I start to cry. Just thinking about losing Rue, is dreadful. I can't think like that. Not right now. Or not ever.

I run upstairs and into Peeta's room. He follows me in.

"Katniss. I know what your thinking and we can get through this. We will protect Rue. At all costs" Peeta says

"How can you be so sure?" I ask, crying.

"Because when I truly love someone, I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. I will not fail" Peeta answers confidentiality.

"But what about me? I don't know if I can help you keep this baby alive and safe" I say with tears rolling down my cheeks

"You don't have to know. I know that you will protect this baby with everything you have. Even if it means risking your life. That's the person you are" Peeta says.

He's right. I do protect the people I love. I protected Peeta in the arena. I protected Prim by volunteering for the games. I protected Johanna by bringing her from the Capitol. Even if she thinks otherwise.

I'm doing a pretty damn good job.

"Thank you Peeta" I say.

"Of course. I love you" He says

"I love you too" I say back.

Then we kiss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I didn't have time to revise, so there might be spelling mistakes. 😑 THANKS FOR READING

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