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I see Katniss screaming in pain. Her water just broke and the Capitol is bombing us right now. Why right now?

"Mrs. Eckles should be here any second" I say to everyone.

Then I hear a knock at the door. Surprisingly over Katniss' screaming.

Haymitch runs down to answer the door, and Effie and Johanna help Katniss 'prepare' since I have no clue how to.

"Peeta grab a blanket" Effie says, and so I do. Then Mrs. Eckles rushes in.

"I hope you realize that your being bombed right now" Mrs. Eckles states

"Of course we do" I yell in her face.

"Hey Katniss" Mrs. Eckles says to her "I need you to breath in and out. In and out"

"I think I know how to breath!" Katniss yells.

"Haha. The girl on fire has fired back* Johanna laughs.

"Now is not the time young lady" Effie says

"Everyone shut up!" Katniss snaps. Johanna continues to laugh.

"I need a pillow!" Mrs. Eckles states. Haymitch gets her one then says.

"I do not need to be here!" He then walks out the room.

I hear a bomb go off and rush to the window. I see more damage than I've seen before. How can the Capitol destroy what's already destroyed?

"Peeta! I need you!" Katniss screams.

I wish back to her and grab her hand.

"Take deep breaths slowly" I calm her.

"Is someone timing this?!" Eckles screams.

"I got it!" Effie says.

"Okay Katniss, I need you to push" Mrs. Eckles says.

"Push? Push what?" I ask. Johanna and Effie both start to laugh. I don't get it.

Then Katniss screams.

"What are you doing to her?!" I scream at Mrs. Eckles.

"Peeta! She's giving birth!" Johanna yells.

"I know that. Don't you think I know that?" I say to her "but why is she screaming?"

"She is having a child!" Effie yells. Wow. I feel stupid.

"Okay Katniss. You need to push. But remember to breath in and out slowly" Mrs. Eckles tells her.

"I am pushing!" Katniss yells.

Damn. She is in a really bad mood. Thank God I am a boy.

Hours pass and through those hours its been bombing, almost hitting my house a couple times. Its also been Katniss screaming, Johanna laughing, and Effie giving Eckles the time.

Then I hear more screaming. One I am not familiar with. Katniss has stopped her screaming. But, I hear a small scream, and crying.

"The time?" Ecles asks Effie

"11:46pm. May 21st" Effie answers

"Perfect" Eckles says.

I then see her. Small and so fragile. I see her. Rue. My baby girl.

Eckles wraps the baby in a towel and cleans her off. Sh e then hands the baby to Katniss.


The screaming and crying was all worth it. I get to hold my baby. My baby girl Rue.

Peeta leans down by my side and looks at Rue. She is so small.

"Well. What's the full name?" Johanna asks "Everdeen or Mellark?"

Before Peeta can answer I say

"Mellark. Rue Kris Mellark"

"Rue Kris Mellark" Peeta repeats.

"Would you like to hold her?" I ask Peeta.

"Of course" he says.

I hand him Rue, and almost bursts into tears.

"Hi Rue. I'm your daddy" Peeta says, as Rue rubs her eyes "welcome to the world"

"Welcome to the world" I brought this baby into this horrible world. 10 minutes of being a mother and I'm already failing.

"Peeta. She is in a dangerous world right now" I say to him.

"We'll protect her" Peeta says

Right before I say okay, Haymitch comes running in.

"We got to get out of here now" Haymitch says

"Whu? What's going-" I begin to say but then peacekeepers come barging in and they beat up Johanna, Effie, and Haymitch. They come running to Peeta and I.

"No!" I scream as Peacekeepers pull Peeta from my grasp. Along with Rue.

"Peeta! Rue!" I scream. I hurry out of bed. Dizzy, and try to run towards Peeta and Rue.

I rush downstairs and my eyesight becomes blurry. I fall down the stairs and collapse. The last thing I see is Peeta fighting his way out with Rue.


I wake up with Peeta lookin right at me.

"Peeta" I say. I sit up and pull him into a hug. I become dizzy while doing this, but I don't care. Knowing that Peeta is safe is all I ever want.

Then I realize something.

"Peeta... Where's Rue?" I ask, panicking

"Don't worry. She is with Effie" Peeta calms me.

"What happened after Rue was born?" I ask

"Well, I was being taken from you with Rue. Peacekeepers were going to take Rue and I to the Capitol, but Haymitch, Effie, and Johanna came to help me. While Eckles was helping you"Peeta answers.

I rub my head. I must have hit it.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask, trying to remember things.

"Yes. Everyone is alive. But..." Peeta trails off

"What? What is it Peeta?" I ask, getting worried.

"While Haymitch was saving me. OK me of the peacekeepers shot him. Luckily, it went through his leg and nowhere else" Peeta says.

"Oh my God. Is he okay?" I ask.

"Yes. He is with Mrs. Eckles right now" Peeta says.

"Now. Get some sleep. You need to rest" Peeta says. I nod my head and he walks out the room.

"Wait Peeta!" I stop him.

"Yes Katniss?" he asks

"Will you stay with me?" I ask, knowing what the answer will be.

"Sure" he says. He then climbs into bed with me and says...


"I love you Peeta"I say before I get more rest.

"I love you to" is the last words I hear before I go back to sleep.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: YAYAYA!!!!!! EVERYONE IS OKAY AND RUE WAS BORN!!!!!!! The only sad part is the story has 3 more chapters left.

Didn't get change to revise the mistakes. I am so tired. Though, I might update again tonight. Lol 😂


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