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We almost reach District 12, when the hovercraft we're in starts to fall down.

We look out the window, and see a Capitol hovercraft shooting rockets at us.

I run to Peeta, and he holds me tight. Not letting me go.

"We're getting bombed at! Send help now!" The Pilot yells into his mic.

He yelss for us to all get down, and so we do, then he blasts one of the Capitol hovercraft. But more is to come.

Johanna, Peeta and I are all close to the back of the hovercraft. But, what we don't know is a Capitol hovercraft comes from behind 13 hovercraft and shoots the back off of the hovercraft.

We're going so fast, it's hard to stay on.

Then, out of temhe corner of my eye, I see Johanna falling out of the hovercraft.

"Johanna!" I scream.

I then move towards her, grab her arm, with the help of Peeta, and pull her in.

We all go up to the front of the hovercraft and see the pilot is dead.
So Peeta grabs the wheel and tries to pull us down safely. But it doesn't stop the Capitol hovercrafts.

Peeta flies us down, well more like crashes, and he says..

"Run! Katniss! Johanna run!" Peeta screams. So we do.

We're in foot, and there in hovercrafts. We have nothing else to do. That's when we see Capitol people jumping from the hovercrafts down to the ground. Chasing us.

I soon give up on running. My leg is bleeding non-stop and it hurts to run on it. Peeta notices I fall down, and decides to carry me.

The Capitol people, are too far behind for them to notice where we hide.

Johanna sees a ditch in an old building and tells us to go into it.

We wait there, seeing Capitol troops pass us by. They don't see us. Sson, they give up and get back into their hovercrafts and leaves.

I then grit my teeth, knowing my leg hurts, and where ways sway from 12.

"Peeta, we have to keep moving" I say, trying to haul myself up

"No. You can't walk. Were going to have to call a 13 hovercraft.

"No we-" I begin to say, but he cuts me off

"No Katniss! We're staying here" Peeta yells "Johanna, call Haymitch"

"Okay" Johanna says, already dialing the number.

An hour passes, and Haymitch finally reaches us.

"Had a rough day sweetheart?" Haymitch says, laughing

"Shut up Haymitch" I snap.

With Peeta and Haymitch's help, I make it onto the hovercraft. There, I see Effie in the Pilots seat.

"Effie?" I say in shock.

"Yes I'm flying a hovercraft, get over it" Effie we exclaims.

We soon reach 12 and Peeta carries me to his house. He sets me on the couch, and goes to his medicine cabinet.

"So, until we know our next move, were staying in Peeta's house" Haymitch says.

Oh right...my house was blown up.

Peeta soon comes over to me and hands me pills and water to take. He then gets his stitching kit and stitches me up. It hurts, but I've felt worse.

After Peeta is done, he sits next to me on the couch and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"So, where are we going to go?" Johanna says

"Well, we're planning on going to Distrct 13, but the Capitol will know we're there" Effie says.

"How?" Peeta asks

"Well, District 13 is the only District that's not currently bomed. Everyone is going to go to 13. The Capitol wants Katniss, and if we go there, and we're not here, the Capitol will bomb 13. All those lives will be lost." Haymitch butts in.

I don't know what to think. But I have to decide on something. If I give myself up, no one else will get hurt. But if I don't, all lives will be at risk. I can't do that to people.

I then get up from Peeta, and run upstairs to his bedroom. I shut the door and sob into his pillow.

A few minutes later, Peeta comes in and sits next to me on the bed, rubbing my back.

"Your not giving yourself up" Peeta says. Great... He knows my plan

I sit up and say "if I don't, everyone's lives are at risk"

"No, their not" Peeta says, trying to calm me.

"Yes it is. Haymitch just-" he cuts me off

"Who cares what Haymitch says. He is usually wrong"

"Yeah but-" he cuts me off again.

"No 'buts' You need to listen to me. I love you and I would never put you at risk" Peeta says.

I hate to think it, but he's right. I should listen to him because he would never put me at risk. He loves me.

After Peeta talks with me, I sit up and he kisses me.Gently.

Right before we go downstairs, I hear things drop outside. But it doesn't sound like bombs like it did the past couple days.

I look outside, holding Peeta's hand tightly and see something so tragic...

White Roses

Peeta sees the terror in my eyes and automatically brings me downstairs.

I start to cry. White roses has always been a threat to me. Peeta holds me tight. He knows this is hard.

AUTHORS NOTE: Yay another chapter! Guess what? Exciting news happening in the next few chapters. There shall be no more tears (for now 😏)

Lol! Everlark_Katniss

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