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I wake up, without the warmth from Peeta. I felt it all night and now, its gone.

"Peeta?" I say aloud. No answer

"Peeta?" I say again. No answer, again.

I get up from my bed and look all around upstairs. He's not here. Where could he be?

I run downstairs and yell "Peeta?!"

I look around frantically and once again, I don't see him.

"Peeta?!" I yell

I then slip on my sandels and run outside.

I look around and see no sign of Peeta. I run to his house and notice his door is wide open.

I run in and look all around his house. It is very...dirty. It has shattered glass and blankets and pillows all over the place. What happened?

I run upstairs, and see more mess everywhere. I then ,once again, yell Peeta's name.

I run into his bedroom and find a note and his sketch book.

The note says

"Katniss, you might not be reading this but if you are, I'll tell you why I left.
I did it for a good reason. Last night, after you fell asleep, I mutted. I felt it coming on so I left the house. It took over an hour for it to end. I didn't want to kill you. I came to my house and threw everything I that was in my reach. I felt threatened and hurt by all my items, for some reason. But after it ended, I packed my things and got on the train and left. I'm sorry Katniss. But I dont want to hurt you. You mean the world and for that, I had to leave. Sincerely, Petra Mellark"

After reading the tragic note, I set it aside to look at the drawing. Its trees.

There are only two places I know of with so many trees packed together. The woods and District 7. Maybe Peeta is in District 7. He hates the woods. I know that for a fact.

If I want to find Peeta, I have to go to Distrct 7. I know he is there. He has to be. I have to find him.

I run to the end of the District, I see one of the trains approaching. Its not our usual coal train. Ever since Paylor became President, we just have trains roaming from District to Distrct, letting citizens go on as they please. Well, I please now.

The train comes to a stop right in front of me. I get on, and it leaves.

I move away from the wide opening in the train and sit down.

As the train continues to move, I look out at my District. There is nothing left here. Its all burned to the ground.

After looking at the devastating District 12, I fall asleep.


The train stops and I'm finally in District 7. I've never been here before.

Its very beautiful. There are many people here. Unlike District 12, District 7 was never burned down.

I get off the train and walk around. I see people. They are happy. They have nothing to fear anymore. Must be nice.

As I'm walking I ask a whole bunch of people if they have seen Peeta. They all say the same thing... No.

I continue walking and soon reach the Victor's Village.

Before entering, something catches my eye. Its a figure in one of the houses.

I run to the house and the door is unlocked, thank god. I sneak in, hoping the figure I saw was Peeta.

I walk upstairs and look around. I see no one. I then go to the bathroom and once again, there is no one there.

Then, before walking out of the house, Someone stops me.

"Yo...meathead. Over here" the voice says

Meathead? That can only be one person.

"Johanna" I say as I turn around.

There I see my ally. Well, friend now.

She gives me a small smile and hugs me. Johanna hugging me? Okay, she must have missed me.

"So what are you doing in the old District 7?" Johanna asks me

"I'm looking for Peeta" I say

"Peeta? I thought he was hijacked." Johanna says confused

"Well he was and still kind of is. He has been with me for the past week and he has these..." I try to explain "its like these episodes almost. Where he mutts and hurts me"

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why he would be here" Johanna says

"He write me a note saying he mutted and almost killed me. So he packed his things and left." I say

"Okay, but why do you think he'd be here?" She asks

"Because he drew trees all packed together. There are only two places I know like that. The woods and here. And he is terrified of the woods" I say

"Okay, well I haven't seen him. Maybe he did go into the woods" She says

"Yea but-" I then get cut off by another figure. This time, in the trees behind Johanna's house. I run to the window and see him. Peeta. He is in the woods in District 7.

"Peeta" I say under my breath

I then rush downstairs and out the door.

"Hey meathead! Where you going?!" Johanna yells.

As I'm outside, I run to the back of Johanna's house and see Peeta running.

"Peeta!" I'm yelling.

He looks back but continues to run.

"Peeta!" I scream over and over again.

Then I hear "Katniss!" I turn around and see Johanna running after me. But I don't stop. I keep running for Peeta.

As soon as I reach him, I put my arms out and he disappears. I then trip and roll down the hill.

"Katniss!" I hear Johanna scream. Then I hit my head against something and my eyes start to close.


I wake up with a massive headache and pain all over my body. Mostly my ankle.

I'm not in my own bed. I'm not in my house. I sit up and Johanna comes running in.

"Here, take these" Johanna tells me and I take the medicine, not even wondering what it is.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask

"Katniss, you never saw Peeta. He was never here" Johanna says. That's when I feel like the whole world has collapsed.

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