chapter iii | take this hand

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The show was great. The guys were running around like fools and the crowd was insane. I saw how happy a lot of the people were to be there, it was awesome. 

We all currently sat back stage, watching Fall Out Boy preform. It was great. I was ecstatic and sung along. 

"Thanks LA, you guys rocked! See you next time!" Patrick yelled as they all ran off stage.

"Did you like the show?" Patrick asked me as he ran up to me- covering in sweat.

"Of course! You guys are great!" I yelled, excitingly.

"Well, we're gonna go meet fans, you guys should come." Pete asked Alex and Jack who were standing around. Rian and Zack had went to the bus to shower.

"Sure." Alex smiled. God, his smile was adorable.

"Liz, you wanna come?" Jack asked, smiling hopefully.

"Of course!" I smiled widely as we all walked around back and to the front of the venue. Some fans crowded around instantly. I stood back, watching the guys in Fall Out Boy and Jack and Alex talk to the fans. They all looked happy and like they really wanted to be there. You could tell how much they loved their fans.

"Hey, I'm going to introduce you guys to someone." Jack walked over to me and pulled me over. I felt my face flush, I didn't want to stand in front of these people. They would judge me, see how ugly and fat I was. I felt myself shake a little.

"This is Elizabeth, but please call her Liz. The other name is way to formal. She's my best friend, and I lover her to death! I recently found her after loosing contact for like, 14 years!" Jack said proudly. He really was happy that he found me.

I saw a few people snap some pictures and Alex wrapped his arm around me, quickly whispering in my ear.

"Calm down, they'll love you." I felt my cheeks blush lightly and my body stop shaking a little. The nervousness was washing away.

"I ship Aliz!" I heard someone yell. I chuckled, I knew about shipping after following the band on twitter and seeing all the Jalex stuff.

I glanced at Alex and he quickly kissed my cheek making everyone scream. I looked at Jack who just shot Alex a look I didn't understand.

"Well I'll leave you guys to this." I smiled and walked away a little, standing and watching everyone again. Fall Out Boy had walked off to meet fans who were farther away and I was just standing with Alex and Jack and the All Time Low fans.

"Hey." I heard someone say, I turned and looked at them. 

It was a short girl, probably 16, with dark brown hair, and blue eyes. She was beautiful, I was jealous. "Can I please get a picture with you? I mean, if you don't want too, you don't have too but you know." I smiled and nodded a yes.

She held up her phone to take a selfie. We took a few, some funny, some serious, and some just blurry. 

She smiled and handed me a piece of paper, wanting me to sign it.

When she handed me the paper her hoodie sleeve rolled down and I saw something I was all to familiar with. Deep red scars littered her wrist. I felt myself choke up.

I signed the paper writing:

You're beautiful, I'm extremely jealous, please don't hurt yourself. I understand more than you'd ever know xx -Elizabeth

and handed it back to her.

She read it and looked at me teary eyed. I smiled weakly and she wrapped her arms around me quickly. "You're an amazing girl, don't do that yourself. I'm begging you." I whispered in her ear.

"Thank you." I heard her mumble. She pulled away and said a quickly good bye before walking off.

"What was that about?" I turned around to see Alex. 

"Some girl wanted a picture, I'm not sure why though." I laughed lightly. 

"I told you they would love you!" he smiled proudly, since he was right. "Don't rub it in Gaskarth." I chuckled.

Soon enough the band left the fans and we went back to the bus. "Let's go out drinking!" Jack yelled.

"I'm down!" I yelled excitedly. 

"I wish you could stay longer, we could have a movie night and watch Home Alone." Jack pouted as he sat beside me.

"Dude I know. That was like our movie. Next time your in town we totally gotta watch that shit." Jack high fived me and the guys laughed.

"You can tell they're best friends." Rian commented. I smiled widely.

"What bars do you recommend?" Alex asked in a posh accent.

"Holy shit, don't do that, it's hot!" I hit his arm and he smirked. I had opened up around these guys in a matter of a day, so I kind of just said anything.

"And there's a bar like a road down. It's cool as fuck and they play sick music." I smiled. 

All the guys agreed to go and we all walked there. "These heels are killing me." I complained.

"Here, get on my back." Jack leaned over and I happily jumped on his back. 

"Why don't I get a piggy back ride?" Alex pouted at him.

"Because your not in heels!" I said happily, flaunting my piggy back ride in his face. He just pouted, but he looked so cute.

"We're here!" I said happily as we walked up in front of the bar. Jack put me down and I ran up the door, saying hello to the guy who I had seen many times before from all the nights I had been here drinking sorrows down.

But tonight would be different, no sorrows, just fun. And a lot of fun there would be.

A/N: Short chapter kind of. Also boring and a filler. Whatever. It had to be written. Hope you enjoy!

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