Chapter 1 - Its just another day.

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Dear diary,
I feel like I should have something to tell you.. I mean, that's the point of having you right? Well it's just another day for me. Sister still annoying? Yup. Brother still smelly and secretive? Erm, yes. Parents still worryingly nosy ? Obviously...
Oh, and just incase you were wondering, yes, school is still just as boring. That reminds me... I have my geography essay to right. UGH!
see ya, Roselyn xox

"ROSELYN!" screams my mum from down the staircase. I'm at my desk trying to get this stupid essay done. When am I ever going to need to name then most successful adaptation of a camel anyway! "YES!" I scream back, irritated that I can't get five seconds alone even in this fairly big house. I hear nothing back. "YESSS!" I scream louder. How come she can hear me mumble under my breathe but can't hear me when I scream down the stairs?!

I hear Ryan (my older brother) yelling at his ps4 game from his bedroom as I walk outside my perfectly organised room.. Well, apart from the piles of clothes on the floor.
In a mood, I stomp down the cream carpet stairs into the new open-plan kitchen and conservatory. It was expensive but it looks fantastic!
"Mum? You called me" I said, staring with love at the fridge.
"Yes honey, you best go clean out your Guinea pigs!" She said, turning from the ironing board and looking at me pointedly.
I squint in confusion and huff, "what? I did it last week and they're Ellie's too!" Nala and Kumba are my Guinea pigs and we got them only a couple months ago - I love them so much - I had been begging and making presentations for months, and I'm sixteen, i can handle them but I do not like cleaning out their hutch full of poo and wee! Gross!
I look at the time and it's late too. "Mum it's not my week and I have work to do, I can't do it tonight so either leave it or get Ellie to do it" I sigh with a regrettable amount of attitude and stomp my way back to my room.

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