Chapter 3 - "Miss Moody"

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Dear diary,
You may be happy to know I have something to tell you but I certainly wish I didn't! I was paired with Will for an English project. WILL?! The most popular, arrogant, shallow guy in the school. The world has existed for billions of years and there's like 7 billion people in the planet, must be millions and millions of schools. Yet I was born at the same time, same country and go to the same school as him. And now I'm paired with him for a 4 week project? Ridiculous. But just my luck..
See ya, Roselyn xox

I sit in my seat the next day and feel a strong urge to bang my head against the table and the news of being paired with this arrogant 'pretty boy'. Let's just say he's not someone I'd go for.
I get a sudden waft of strong aftershave - at least I know he's not gonna smell like my brother. I turn my head, flicking my dark-ish blonde hair which has natural beach waves. "Hair smells nice," he smirks. "OMG thank you so much I can't believe Will Walker told ME my hair smelt nice!" I mock, turning back to my daydreams, wishing the ground would just swallow me up.
"Alright, jeez. Sorry for complimenting you, miss moody." he snaps.
"It's Roselyn. Roselyn Valentine" I say, not making eye contact, "and you'll find that 'moody' isn't exactly part of my name"
I rub my eyes trying not to smudge the little concealer and mascara I put on this morning. Still not over the fact I have to work with this idiot.
"well my name is Will but I guess you knew that already" he says, not seeming to notice how stupid that sounds.
"I didn't know that actually" I lie.
"Mmm" he mumbles
How am I going to get through the next 4 weeks of this?!

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