Chapter 5 - I still hate him.. I swear

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Dear diary,
What. The. Hell. After all that effort I went to in order to avoid every and any situation like this - I'm going to his house. God help me! That teacher can't be qualified if he thought it was better to tell us about extra work a week into the project for goodness sake! Do you realise this means meeting his parents? What if they think I'm his girlfriend? That would never happen! But they're probably used to him bringing girls back all the time. I'll let you know how the nightmare situation goes...
See ya, Roselyn xox

I stare at my wardrobes, and stare some more. I don't want to give the impression I care what I look like around him but I don't want to look like I've been living in the garden for the past month. In the end I go for black leggings, a white cropped jumper and white converse. I shove my hair into a messy bun and just stick to the essential makeup: foundation, concealer, bronzer on my cheekbones and mascara. I glanced in the mirror and added a light swipe of powder. I think I look ok but not too much, you know?
His house isn't what I expected. It's a normal size, but very cozy. Very tumblr. Very me.. Actually.
When he opens the door he looks at me for a second. Then he quickly lets me in a turns around - did I.. Did I see him blush??? No wayyyy.
"Will? Is that Roselyn" calls a pretty voice from around the corner. Then comes a lady with blonde hair wearing an apron. I forgot to mention - it smells great!
Will grunts "yes mum it is, we're going upstairs now"
I can't go to his bedroom to do this! Why can't we sit at the kitchen table or something like that? Easy and comfortable. His mum seems so lovely and I'd much rather spend time with her son under her supervision.
"He's told me all about you, lovely. Have fun!" she says. Will goes bright red. What did she just say??? "Yes thanks mum.." He mutters and motions to the stairs for me to follow him. Hesitantly I smile at his mum and tread lightly up the stairs, hoping to seem elegant not fat and frumpy.
"You're mum is very nice" I admit.
"Thanks" he says looking at the floor.
His confident self seems to have taken a break.. He just seems.. Vulnerable.. Approachable. Not Will. Not the one I know, anyway.
"So the work then.. Something creative. Any ideas?" I ask, hoping to break the ice.
And then we practically talk the evening away.

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