Chapter 16 - Breaking her, broke me

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Will's P.O.V

As soon as the bells goes for the end of the day I'm trying to contain my excitement for seeing Roselyn. I'm gonna take the next step - I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Officially.
'She's so beautiful...' I think
"What mate?" Interrupts my best friend, Tom. Damn it! I must've said that out loud.
"It-Its nothing." I mumble, going bright red. I have no problem admitting my feelings for the kind girl to Tom but I don't know if she would want me to go shouting it too all my mates yet. Maybe it's something that's nice to have just between us for now? I can't imagine hurting her, for my heart would break with hers. 
My heart is beating what feels like a million times per minute as thoughts from the last month race through my mind.
"I never thought I'd fall for you"
"My heart races every time I see you"
Her words make me find myself smiling all the time.
"A guy like you"
What does that even mean? I may be seen as popular but I'm a human being too.. And she can see that. And, I.. I think she loves me for it maybe just as much as I love her.
As I reach my locker I mentally prepare myself and try to steady my breathing. I'm nervous but I know she'll make me feel ok, like she always does when she smiles her perfect smile...
"Oi!" I jump after feeling someone knock into me. Victoria... Lord help me.
"Oh sorry, Will!" She says in her fake-innocent voice, beaming at me with her whitened teeth.
"Don't worry about it" I mumble looking away, but she doesn't move. Instead she touches my arm and comes closer - I don't like this and frown at her but what she says next shocks me,
"How's things with that girl.. What's her name.." She pauses,"Roselyn!"
How does she know about Rosey?! I haven't told anyone... But just the mention of her name makes me begin to smile. I'm always up for talking about Rosey...
"It's great.. She's great" I admit, laughing slightly, forgetting to ask how she knew about it.
Victoria gets even closer to me, and I'm about to step away when I hear someone else from the end of the corridor. It sounds like crying.. What the hell?!
Oh. Crap.
I realise what this looks like. Tears are begining to fall down her cheeks and I feel a heavy ache in my heart. What have done..."Roselyn!" I call but it's too late she's gone.
I push Victoria off me, ignoring her protests and yelps and storm off down the corridor, knowing Roselyn would be long gone by now.

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