Chapter 9 - More Than That

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Dear diary,
I'm going to his house again tonight, but his mum won't be there. I'm not sure about his dad but he doesn't talk about him much. Maybe I should ask. He knows about my family, he just hasn't met them. He doesn't need to though because .. We're just project partners. Nothing more. That's what I keep telling myself lately. I'll let you know if it's ok,
See ya, Roselyn xox

I stare at myself in the mirror. Short, light-coloured denim shorts that compliment my tan at the moment and a white croc top. I feels kind of cold so I throw on an oversized jumper and my trusty old white converse.
I've straightened my hair and let it loose over my shoulders, framing my face. I've not gone to town with my makeup but I've done the usual with added contour and I filled in my eyebrows.
Why am I making more of an effort? Huh.. Don't ask me! I'm not quite sure what's gotten into me tonight but the next few hours are all I've thought about all evening since I got home after my panic attack. There's just two weeks til our project is due and we're way ahead of the game. I let myself wonder about the possibilities why Will would ask me round when we didn't really have much left to do.. But my developing thoughts about this boy worry me. I can't let him in, let him hurt me with his shallow games I'm sure he plays with everyone.
I bet he uses his deep blue eyes and charming smile to make every girl loose her senses for him. Not me though. I'm stronger than that.
"How about we work in the front room today?" He asks with a smile
"Sure, I don't mind" I reply nicely, forgetting to keep my protective guard up for a second there.
We sit on the couch by the coffee table, close together and I feel close to him. It suddenly feels like I can tell him anything, everything feels different from when he first plunked himself down next to me three weeks ago.
"Where's your dad then?" I ask, curious.
His eyes fall to the ground and his fingers curl up tight. He worries me.. Have I said something wrong?
"He died three years ago when I was 13..." He says, calmly, but I seen tears in his eyes and he looks away.
"Oh I'm so sorry! Will, I-I didn't know.." I stutter, feeling huge regret and heavy with guilt.
"No, no it's ok now" he lies. I can tell because he raises his hand to his cheek and wipes what I can only presume was a tear.
My heart aches for the boy, as I sit there. Helpless. what have I done? I'm such an idiot - I should've minded my own business.
Suddenly I find myself with my arms around him and he puts his around me, holding me tight. I listen to his breathing and I can tell he's crying... There's more and more to him than I thought.

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