Chapter 10 - Softie

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Dear diary,
It's the weekend and I'm meeting Will at the park. That's right, no other reason but to hang out. Insane, I know. I never would have seen myself doing this almost a month ago either. We finished our project at his house and he told me about his family. His dad died in a collision with a taxi (which he was in) and a lorry. Turns out he's not as shallow as I thought. He knows what to do when I'm panicky, he has emotions (surprise!) and his life is far from perfect... And you know what, I never stop thinking of him, he makes me feel ok, I think.. Maybe.. I'm falling for him.
See ya, Roselyn xox

I sit on the swings at the park, waiting for Will to come along. My head is spinning after the other night where he cried in front of me, in my arms. The most popular, toughest guy in school cried to me. And I wouldn't tell anyone, not for the world. I feel like it's my duty to keep it a secret for him, for if I hurt him, it would hurt me too.
Suddenly, two hands cover my eyes making me jump up, followed by laughter. "Sorry!" Will exclaims and I laugh too this time. "Haha you're funny" I joke. And there's a moment of silence between us where I get lost in his eyes and feel my stomach churning, and he seems to get lost in mine. My eyes are green/blue, I've had compliments in the past but they're nothing special. I'm nothing special.
I look to the floor feeling stupid for thinking a guy like Will would like a girl like me. The silence is broken by the sound of one of the swings moving. It's will and I join him.
I'm just staring at the sunset, my heart beating at a normal pace for once, when I turn to look at Will and catch him staring at me.
My cheeks go bright red but he doesn't look away, instead he says "you- I mean.. The sunset is beautiful... Isn't it?"
"Yeah.. It really is."
Then he gets up, taking me by surprise and grabs my hand gently, pulling me off the swing and towards a blossom tree facing the red sun.
"Thank you for the other night" he says, looking deep into my eyes
"Oh, that's ok, any time Will" I answer, honestly.
He doesn't break eye contact but simply whispers to me as we kneel onto the grass, "You're not who I thought you were, I always knew you were beautiful but I didn't know it applied to your personality too..."
"I always thought you were cocky and shallow, but I didn't know you were.. So.. Perfect on the inside as well as the outside" I half joked with him
"I think you're pretty cool" he tucks my hair behind my ear...
Before I can answer his lips are on mine and I get swept up in his kiss... So maybe he is something I'd go for. Maybe he is someone I could fall for. Someone I have fallen for...

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