Chapter 7 - For a second, it all fell into place

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Dear diary,
I have no idea what's happening with Will at the moment. This is just a project, we are just school partners. But somethings changed between us. I'm going to try forget all that at the dance studios tomorrow though. I've missed them but it's late now so,
See ya, Roselyn xox

I feel awake and fresh after having gone through my entire morning skin care routine for once this morning. I've put on minimal makeup - concealer and mascara - because I'll just sweat everything else off.
My hair, today, is in a messy bun. I try to make an effort most days though. People tell me I'm pretty but I'm a nobody and I definitely don't feel good enough just walking out the house having done nothing with my face or hair.
I stroll into the amazing studio at my school and turn up the speakers loud, playing all my favourite songs and run through dance after dance. I make the routines myself but also take classes to improve technique and get more inspiration although most of that comes from the lyrics that mean something to me. As my favourite Tori Kelley playlist comes on I take a deep breath and dance away all the anxieties from the last couple weeks...
'Im fragile and you know this'
'I'm paper thin'
'You make me feel whole again'
'Yes I like being by myself'
'But I'd love to have a soul mate..'
And as I'm pirouetting and leaping and rolling and bending and stretching... I find myself wondering what Will is up to.
I jump out of my skin and fall from my triple pirouette, hitting my hip hard on the springy wooden floor.
I turn my head, already knowing what I'm gonna see and wanting to go crawl into a corner and die.
"How.. How did you get in here?! Did you come stalking me or something?!" I cry, still lying on the floor in my short shorts and dance croc top.
"Oh my god, Roselyn, I'm so sorry!" Apologises Will and for once, he doesn't sound like he's just mocking someone, thinking he's so much better than them.

He reaches down for my hand and I take it without thinking, letting him pull me up. He touches my sore hip, looking at it with concern and I shiver, feeling a rush of anxiety shoot through me. It felt so right for a second there but that's a feeling I could never let myself have. Not with someone like him.
And that's when I run. Out the studio, out the school, anywhere. Anywhere far away, tears streaming down my face.

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