Chapter 11 - I judged a book by it's cover.

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Dear diary,
WE KISSED! I've known for a while he's not what I first thought... But the more I got to know him, the more he started playing on my mind. The more my heart raced whenever I saw him, his perfect smile. Whenever I heard his smooth voice. And turns out.. He.. He likes me too. It feels like a dream to me, a normal, 16 year old girl with a normal family to have been swept up in a fairy tale like Will Walker. I don't know what we are but he held my hand as he walked me home. And just before we turned into my drive way, he stroked my hair and kissed me again gently. Then, in typical Will style, he shoved his hand in his pockets and strolled away. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow because I honestly have no idea what's going to happen!
See ya, Roselyn xox

It's the day before our project is due and I walk into school, earlier than usual in hopes of seeing Will but he's nowhere to be found.
I see Jenna sitting in the corner of our form room and take a seat next to her.
"Ooh, why are you so uncharacteristically happy this morning?" She asks, raising her eyebrows at me. I hadn't even realised but I've been smiling uncontrollably all morning - not like me at all.
"am I?" I reply, looking at the floor in order to try and hide my red cheeks.
"Yes, come on! Spill the beans!" She whispers excitedly.
I hesitate for a minute because I don't even know myself what happened last night. Are me and Will... Together? The hottest, most popular guy in school. He kissed me last night - twice! And the last word I'd use to describe him now is arrogant or shallow. I judged a book by its cover. I was an idiot.
"I-I.. We.. Erm.. Kissed" I admit and Jenna's mouth falls open
"WHAT?!" squeals Selena, I didn't even see her come in!
"Shut up, Selena! I don't even know what's happening between us.. It probably didn't mean anything.." I mumble, but really I'm just talking to myself to stop my heart getting broken later. If he ever shows up.
"I thought he was 'arrogant and sh-'" Jenna begins to quote me but I cut in,
"No. I was wrong. I judged a book by its cover and I was mean and ignorant"
I feel a random nudge out of nowhere - it's Selena. "Oi, don't look now but Victoria is throwing some nasty looks your way.." She whispers only just loud enough for me to hear.
Me being me, I ignore her advice and turn around to see Victoria - the most popular, and definitely the bitchiest girl in school. And I'm not just assuming that. I actually promise - staring at me like a piece of dirt. I feel inferior under her harsh gaze but somehow find the confidence to stare it out until she looks away. I don't get it. She's never even noticed me before!
"What was th-" Jenna begins but the bell sounds and our conversation is cut off. Goddamn that stupid bell.

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