Chapter three

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(a week before the last chapter)

Lilith's POV~

Three days. I've had the voice in my head for three days. I know Y/n is my best friend and all, but I cant tell her. She will probably think im crazy. The voice in my head is telling me things, weird things. Its been saying that im a reaper. That's crazy. Grim reapers don't exist. Although, it makes sense. I am majorly obsessed with things like death, scythes, and grave yards. Im gonna tell Y/n about the voice today at school. I dont care if she thinks im crazy, im gonna tell her why im acting so weird. She deserves to know, if she had some weird thing happen to her she would tell me. Right?

I get up out of my red covered bed and make my way towards the closet. Picking out my usual outfit for the day which is plain black v neck, blood red converse, black ripped skinny jeans and my signature blood red leather jacket. I put on my clothes and put on my make up, black eye-shadow, black eyeliner and my waterline was lined red, and dark red lip stick. I brush out my crimson colored hair and braided it then threw it to the side. I pick up my black backpack and walk to my kitchen. Picking up an apple, I say goodbye to my mom and dad and head out the door grabbing my car keys from the wooden bowl by the door.

When I get to school I wait for Y/n at the door. I watch all types of students pass by, but not Y/n. Where is she? If she was sick she would've texted me. Same thing with family trips, which is almost never. It was almost class time and I needed to get to my locker, I gave up waiting for Y/n and left. At my locker I take out the things needed for history and close it. I walk in history class and expect to see Y/n there next to my desk, but her desk was empty. Did she sleep in, I thought. Maybe shes sick and will text me when I get to lunch. I really need to tell her.

Shes not coming, said the voice.

of course she is, I thought back. she always does.

Not this time Lily.

I cringed at the name Lily, my real name. I changed my name and convinced my parents to change it because it didn't suit me. I dont know what to do about this voice in my head. Im not gonna tell my family, they will obviously think im crazy. I know Y/n wont think im crazy.

'Come on', said the voice. 'Y/n will think you're crazy.'

'im telling her' I thought.

(time skip to lunch brought to you by Sherlock Homes doing a flip)

Its lunch time and im expecting Y/n to text me. I sit out our usual table in the back, me and Y/n carved out initials on it. so when people say its not our table, we show them the initials. I sigh at the memory. Y/n carved wings around her initials and I carved a skull around mine. It was funny when out gym teacher found out about it, she tried painting over it but it kept coming back. We got a week of detention. Detention was fun because a substitute was watching over and had no idea what to do so he let us use our phones. The school didn't have enough time to get a new table so the kept it, guess they forgot about it.

I never got a text. The voice was laughing in my head and saying 'i told you' over and over.

(time skip after school)

I decided I should walk to Y/n's house and see if shes okay. I jumped in my car and took off. I had to pass the graveyard to get to y/n's since she moved out father in town. When I pass I see her (666 words x3) with another person. The thing is, something is off with her. She has wings, big crystal like wings and she's holding a scythe. Y/n is fighting with a man wearing a white suit, has blue and purple hair and large white fluffy wing. The man has a blue and purple aura around him and his wings. Y/n looked perfectly fine training with the man behind some trees. She smiled and laughed and so did the man. I felt betrayed. She missed school for that? LARPing?! {LARP means live action roleplay}

I drove off faster and went home. The whole way I kept thinking about what I saw. She had wings, she was holding a scythe, she shot fire from her hand. She was in the air. Maybe the voice is right, maybe im a reaper.

Maybe im not crazy after all.

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