Chapter Four

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Y/n's POV~

I didn't need to pack anything because I had already bought new clothes for my house at the town. All I grabbed was my phone charger and laptop with its charger and my phone (which is with me all day). I slipped on a purple shirt, black basketball shorts, and put on my running shoes. I quickly ran a brush through my hair while writing a note to my parents telling them I was going to a friends house for a while, I dont know their reaction to the hole in the wall. I just told them the answer to that was 42. I put my things in a shoulder bag and grab my scythe and putting it in the bag. I really need a place to hold it.

My scythe is in stick form. The stick form is when its a stick, its as big as wands from 'Harry Potter' but thicker. Its also purple and has a silver button on it. When you press the button the stick turns into a full-length death scythe. The scythe has a purple and blue blade that glows a faint white. The handle of it is purple with ties of ribbon around it that is black with white designs on it. It has an obsidian decoration on it that makes it really cool looking, I also found out that it has an effect to make enemies hesitant to attack sometimes, a 45% chance of it.

"Ready?" I ask Jeff. He nods and we hop out the window.

Instead of walking or driving we flew, I still have no idea how Jeff had gotten to my house that fast but okay. I summoned my wings the way Levi, or Killjoy, showed me and grabbed Jeff's hand then took off. Malcom had thought me a few flying tricks, like putting energy into my wings (complicated to explain, just bear with me.) and it will make me fly faster. But, it takes away energy and makes me tired. I have to stay alert. Just because the war ended doesn't mean it wont happen again. It kinda put stress on me at first, but it had been months since the war and nothing has happened. Until now.

We landed next to the towns fountain. This place had grown since I'd last seen it. I look to Jeff who was leaning in the fountain holding his stomach, mumbling things like 'No more flying for me..' and gagging. I let out a small chuckle and patted his back. I turned to the path that lead to my house and walked over. Jeff followed me after realizing I was walking away. When we arrived to my home I noticed new things about it. It was just re-painted f/c and it was fixed up a little more. I smiled and walked through the door and setting my bags down. "Hello, Lady Y/n." Said a voice I recognize all to well.

I turn around and face the source of the voice, which was in the kitchen, and smiled. "Hello, Malcom." He bowed and I smiled again. "What century are you from Malcom?" I giggled. I meant it as a joke because he acted, well maybe he's just like that, like he was from the Victorian Era.

"I'am from the 1800's, former known as the Victorian Era from 1837 to 1901. I hope that answers your question, M'lady." He responds. Well I'll be damned. I guess he took that seriously. I just smiled and nodded.

"How have you been Malcom?" I asked him. He was like family to me, I dont know why but he seemed like it. Malcom was my butler, in a way. He used to be Bloody Hatter's butler, the mayor, but she 'gave' him to me. I'm glad. We've become good friends and he also teaches me some magic and combat. Also to fly better, im kinda rusty because I haven't flown in a while. Besides the time he came to visit a week or two ago. I had skipped school 'cause I haven't seen him in a while. After that day, though, bodies have been reported missing from the graveyard.I should probably mention that. Also Lilith, my best friend from school, had been acting weird and more distant. When I ask her she waves it off and changes the subject. It kinda makes me feel sad, but we all have our secrets.

"I have been well, Lady Y/n" he answered.

"you know you can just call me Y/n, right?" I smiled. He nodded and bowed.

"As you wish, M'l- Y/n."

"Only if you want, Malcom, you can call me whatever you want." I seriously love that Malcom is this way.

I pick up my bag and take it into my living room and hook up mu laptop. I searched on google about the recent disappearances about bodies to see if there are anything related to whats happening. Jeff, that I honestly forgot was here, raided my kitchen of snacks. I chuckled lightly and continued my research when a familiar link-wannabe popped up on the screen. I let out a squeak and set back. BEN chuckled and jumped out and sit down on my couch. "HELLO!" He yells. I hear Jeff groan of annoyance from the kitchen and I swear I saw Malcom face-palm.

"Hello Ben." I say as I get back to reading an artical about people thinking something supernatural was happening, which could be. "What are you doing here?" I asked, not really interested but I wanna be nice to these guys. I love them all.

"I saw you fly in and wanted to come by and say hi!" He grinned. "Also I can raid your fridge." He hopped off the couch and helped Jeff raid the kitchen of its snacks. Luckily I had L.J. put my candy stash away hidden, come to think of it, I cant seem to find it. I smiled and rolled my eyes at BEN and put full attention on what I'am reading.

A few moments later Jeff comes in and said "We should go to B.H. and see what she's got. Also, she wanted to talk to you."

"Okay." I shut my laptop keeping the site I was on before. It was getting really interesting. I slip on my grey fluffy jacket and we all head to the Big House. (totally did not steal that from Percy Jackson :I )

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