Chapter 1

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"Kat wake up before you are late for school "Kris my mother shouts from downstairs.

"Give me 35 minutes "I shouted getting out of the bed getting ready for my day.

The door opens revealing Kim."Hey can you stop yelling before North wakes up"Kim pleaded

"Ugh I can't wait to I graduate high school and move out"I groaned

"Well you only have 2 weeks left"Kim smiled at me .

I groaned walking into my bath and got ready I put on a white long sleeve lace crop top and shorts then put on my Chanel baige knee high heel boots .

I groaned walking into my bath and got ready I put on a white long sleeve lace crop top and shorts then put on my Chanel baige knee high heel boots

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I walked in my glam room and looked for my flat iron and straightening brush but couldn't find it .

"Kim have you seen my flat iron and brush "I asked her shuffling threw my hair product drawers .

"Use mine ,mom used your and dropped in water"Kim explained to me sitting on my bed .

"Ugh how many times do I have to tell her don't touch my flat iron and straightening brush ,I can't wait to I get away"I whined to Kim.

"So have you talk to Justin yet"Kim asked me as I used her curling iron instead.And yes the Justin Drew Bieber .

"Yeah I talked to him last night "I told Kim for some reason she was interested.

"So what are you guys ?"Kim asked as I was applying on my usual fire red lip stick on

"To be honest I don't know myself ,like we seem to be in this phase were like we know what we want but at the same time don't "I explained to her Justin and I's complicated relationship.

"Well I hope you guys end up together,you guys look good together "Kim finishes then waddles since she is pregnant ,out of my room.

I grab my phone off the charger and grabbed my baige MK bag and walk downstairs.I walk in the kitchen and saw Kylie and mom .

I snuck behind Kylie and wrapped my arms around her waist."Hey Ky"I greeted her .

"Hey Kat"Kylie giggled and hugged me .

"Well I have to go before I'm late bye "I told her walking out the door with my mom.

We got in the car and started driving to the school when I got a text message."Who's that "Mom asked me.

"Mom stop you're doing it again "I told her replying to the message.

"Doing what "she asked me curious to I mean.

"Being noisy "I responded to her rolling my eyes .

"No I'm not "My mom denied to my statement.

"Yes you are"I told her as we turned the corner.

"Please just tell me "She begged me .

"Fine ,Justin wants to pick me up from school to hang out later "I explained to her as we parked in the school.

"So what's going on between you and Justin "My mom asked me like always being curious.

"Bye mom I gotta go "I interrupted her getting out the car as the bell ring.


Hey guys this is the remake of Crazy Life so I hope you guys like.

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