Chapter 6

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Katherine POV

So I started getting ready for what ever Kendall is taking me to so I put on a strapless lace black crop top and black skinny jeans and my nude heels and a gold bracelet.

So I started getting ready for what ever Kendall is taking me to so I put on a strapless lace black crop top and black skinny jeans and my nude heels and a gold bracelet

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After I finished getting dress I straightened my long black hair which was up to my waist and I'm thinking about cutting it a little.Then I put on my usual red lipstick which I left at Kendall's house and applied on eye liner to make a wing and I was finally done .

"Okay Ken I'm finally done can now tell me where we are going "I asked her as we walk out the door .

"No you'll just have to wait and see "She tells me driving.


"Now I'm really starting to think that something is up "


We arrived at the house and for some reason there's a lot of cars and the light are out.We walked to the front door and open it to see that it was pitch black inside Kendall started guiding me inside. "If I fall I will hurt you "I threatened really getting scared now .

"You won't I promise"She told me then walked behind me and turned on the lights and family and friends just popped up out of no where telling surprise.


I'm a little confuse because it not my birthday or anything so what is going on


"What is going on "I asked them .

My mom and my sisters came up to me with Victoria the owner of Victoria's Secret .

"This is a surprise party for you "Kourtney told me giving me a hug

"But for what for "I asked them slightly confuse.

"Well I was looking for a new design for a new clothing line so I went on the internet and so this amazing design of yours on this website so clicked on it and it came on a school website and I asked the principal who sketched it and they said you and they emailed me more of your designs and I loved all of them so I decided that I want a partnership with you "Victoria explained to me but being me I so confused .

"What ,what does this mean"I asked them with big eyes.

"I want to give you your own store that will be partnering with my company when you graduate high school "Victoria told me smiling .


Did this really just happened oh my god I feel like I can't breathe


"So are you in "Victoria asked me .

"Yes of course "I told her excitedly.

"Good because I can't wait to work with you"Victoria told me

Victoria walked off and it was just my mom,sisters,and Cait left.

"Oh my good thank you guys so much I love you guys "I told them as we did a group hug

"We love you to "Kylie says and we all laugh.

"Now let's party"Kendall smile.

I was walking around until someone pulled me into their arms and right away I knew who it was the only one who can get my heart to beat fast.

"Congratulations "he whispered into my ear .

"Thank you Justin"I said turning to face him and smile.

"I need to tell you something so after the party come to my house in something comfortable with extra clothes"he explained to me .

"Okay"I smiled

The whole night was an experience the party was awesome and wonderful these are moments when I'm happy to have a family like I do now and wouldn't trade it in for the world "


The night was finally over I went in my room and got some clothes and went to Justin's house like he asked .I wonder what Justin has to tell me.



Be prepared guys something extra and epic is gonna happen and maybe steamy you may never know just be prepared.

Find it what happens next in Chapter 7 of Baby Jenner

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