Chapter 13

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Justin POV

Today i have a interview at the Ellen show and I already know she's gonna bring up the Katherine and I topic up and I don't care .I hope the world knows about me ma and Katherine.

"Well everyone welcome Justin Bieber "Ellen introduced me .

I walked out the stage and the crowd was loud .I was kinda scared because the last time I had went to a award show and was booed but I'm glad that Kat was there to cheer me back up.Kat was always there for me even through the hard times which I'm glad for .

I got to the end of the aisle and greeted Ellen with a hug and sat down in the chair .

"So Justin how have you been"Ellen asked me

"It was good you know working on my new album and everything "I told her than looking at the crowd smiling at the people.

"So we decided since everyone loves when you come here that we'll have you here all week"Ellen says

"Yup "I smiled

"So um we have some pictures here that we found on your social media account"Ellen says turning around a little to look at the screen

"So um we have some pictures here that we found on your social media account"Ellen says turning around a little to look at the screen

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"So um we saw these pictures of Katharine Jenner "Ellen says slowly and I nodded not knowing what to say

"Yeah we have been hanging out more lately around the time I had took that picture"I explained to her

"Then we had found this picture of Katherine shirtless um what happened their "Ellen asked me getting curious again

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"Then we had found this picture of Katherine shirtless um what happened their "Ellen asked me getting curious again

"That was at the Calvin Klein photoshoot she had done and I begged her to send me a picture and she did so I had posted " I explained to her and the audience but I kinda knew they weren't falling for it I'm just waiting for it

"Okay now can you explain this picture "Ellen asked me

It was picture of Kat and I making out i think  Kendall took the picture

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It was picture of Kat and I making out i think Kendall took the picture

"Um I don't know what to say "I told her truthfully

"So the question is are you guys dating or what "Ellen asked me on the tip of her seat

"Yes we are dating 'I told her smiling

The whole room was clouding of people screaming yes and Ellen pushed a button next to her and balloons came running down

"Yes we have been waiting so long for this so we had invited someone"Ellen smiled at me then this big box next to me popped opening scaring me that I jumped

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Inside the box was Katherine .

"Haha i finally got you "Katherine laughed

"Ellen we are suppose to work together you can't prank me especially when you are working with her "I laughed

"I'm sorry "ellen laughed

"But we are finally glad that you guys are together after of thinking it for years now and now it came true "Ellen explained to me

"You guys should kiss now that we know it's really true

I lightly grabbed Katherine's chin and pressed my lips against hers ,we kissed for a few minutes and it was pleasurable but we couldn't moan or anything.

I lightly grabbed Katherine's chin and pressed my lips against hers ,we kissed for a few minutes and it was pleasurable but we couldn't moan or anything

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