Chapter 17

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Lately I haven't been staying at my house . I've been staying at Justin's place . We did things that I can't say . But lately there's been something wrong with Justin and when I ask he doesn't say anything about it .Why won't he tell me what's wrong with him . I care for him but it's like le doesn't want me to know.


I've never had someone felt like that they couldn't tell me anything so I don't know what to do



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"Mom I don't know what to do " I tell her sitting in the kitchen with Kim and Kourtney .

"Maybe you'll just have to talk to him " Kim says trying to council me

" But everytime I try to it's like he tries to get out of it " I tell them

" I felt like that with Scott , you're just gonna have to deal with it " Kourtney tells me with sorrow matching it through her experiences .

" But we've never kept anything from each other " I whined

"Give him something-something and he'll probably tell you " Kim smirked

Okay ew but you would've thought I tried that and I did and it didn't work .What I really wanted to know .

"So you and Justin have been dating for a year now and 6 months , when are you guys getting married " Mom smiled


On social medias there's been rumors that justin and I are gonna get married but we're not , not that I know of


"Mom " I started looking startled by the question she had asked me


I never had the thought of me and Justin marrying . I was just trying to live in the moment


"Mom you can't put that pressure on her " Kourtney says having my back on the situation

" Come on Kourt last week you were like they should get married and have kids

" I know but I'm trying to stop the stress " Kourtney explained her side

"You guys should I need more grandkids " Mom smiles

" Plus Mason wants a cousin to play with he doesn't like playing with the girls " Kourt laughed

What is up with my family wanted me to marry and have kids with Justin .Like I don't know if he wants to marry me like people chill out . I'm still young here .All over the internet it's like ' we want you guys to marry ' or 'when is the window ' or here's my favorite ' when are you going into labor ' do I look pregnant to you .People come on just because I'm a celebrity doesn't mean I want to have kids and marry yet I'm still 18 and in my last year of college .I'm smart like that .Since I did a lot of curriculum and my SAT scores and iQ was high they skipped my up a few courses . I'm awesome like that . But before I even get to marriage and kids talk I need to talk to Justin

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